The 32nd Convention of CPUSA started on June 7th and went largely as expected. During the convention, we saw the passing of 23 resolutions. Some were genuinely correct in many aspects, such as Resolution #1 regarding Palestine, Resolution #2 regarding labor, and Resolution #10 regarding the DPRK and Asia.

What made this convention noteworthy, though, wasn’t the passing of correct resolutions, nor the passing of incorrect resolutions, but rather the discussion and forcing through of Resolution #5 pertaining to the 2024 presidential election and the party’s explicit willingness to serve as a lapdog of the Democratic Party.

This resolution went on to commit the Communist Party to invest all its power and resources to “participation in the broad front to defeat Trump, Trumpism, and the MAGA Republicans.” The resolution went on to state that the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2024 elections will be a “decisive defeat for the corporate right-wing and fascist forces. This will help change the balance of forces and clear the way to change the direction of our nation—to slash the military budget, end the sending of weapons to Israel, tax the rich, win quality healthcare for all, strengthen the right to vote, strengthen union organizing rights, restore Roe v. Wade, and end police murder of people of color.”


During the opening of the 32nd Convention, the rules and presiding committee were presented. Per the party constitution, these rules are to be democratically adopted. If any person were to disagree with the presented rules, they are to be discussed prior to adoption.

The rules presented indicated that votes on resolutions would not be counted and would rather be conducted solely as a verbal “yes" or “no” vote, with the stipulation being if there was a split in the vote that the final decision would be taken to the National Committee, a body which is functionally subservient to the Sims-Cambron leadership clique.

During the presentation of these rules, objections were made, and these objections were subsequently ignored; marking the first, but not last, instance of disregard of the Communist Party’s Constitution during this convention.

Prior to opening discussion on Resolution #5, Sims rambled at length about the “MAGA fascist threat,” at times outright claiming that if Joe Biden was not reelected in 2024 that “red state police” would be kicking down doors to drag immigrants and people of color to concentration camps.

When discussion was opened for Resolution #5, 51 people attempted to sign up to speak. Of those 51, only four were ultimately selected to speak. All four had been hand-selected by the presiding committee and were explicitly pro-resolution members of the party. At no point were dissenting voices to the resolution allowed to voice their opinions in any way whatsoever. This fact alone entirely invalidates the “freedom of debate” principle in Democratic Centralism, a key element in Marxism-Leninism, a principle to which the CPUSA still purports to adhere.


Dissent has been successfully crushed in the Communist Party during this convention, with the next one not scheduled until 2028. However, the current leadership has failed to inspire any faith in their commitment to Marxism, their ability to lead the party into relevance with the working class, or their interest in adhering to the rules they present to party members.

They have also been unable to fully remove or crush those committed to the scientific process of Marxism-Leninism; these members will likely continue to organize within the party and gain popularity. If the Communist Party truly wishes to succeed, it must abandon the Democratic Party and serve as a guiding light for workers, away from the rabid liberalism it currently endorses.

  • Amerikan Pharaoh
    3 months ago

    The resolution went on to state that the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2024 elections will be a “decisive defeat for the corporate right-wing and fascist forces. This will help change the balance of forces and clear the way to change the direction of our nation—to slash the military budget, end the sending of weapons to Israel, tax the rich, win quality healthcare for all, strengthen the right to vote, strengthen union organizing rights, restore Roe v. Wade, and end police murder of people of color.”

    These sheepdogs are smoking crack. The Sundown King, Genocide Joe? Ending police murder of people of color?! These settlers are banging Charlie Sheen-sized rocks. He has kept the 1033 spigot of military surplus flowing to the police. He masterminded the Cop City bunkers for these murderous pigs; seemingly, suspiciously, always just outside where the Black nation has been redlined into. He has never ONCE broached the legal potential for a President to pardon a state crime. There is no case law or hard-and-fast doctrine saying he can’t; just a bunch of republican peckerwoods who can’t stand letting grist for the Carceral Slavery Complex go.

    The Democrat party is the reason the pigs murder in the first place! Nothing ever happens to them! The shooter gets slapped on the wrist, oftentimes beats the prosecution, and then half the time, gets to go to work for another fucking PD on some Vatican-move-the-pedophile shit while the PD the shooter came from STILL gets all their riot gear, still gets all their Humvees, still gets M4s, M16s, and all the NATO rounds they could ask for! But y’know, “we need to form a coalition with the most prolific killers of modern-day subjects-of-empire bc ‘ohmigaw the cheeto might get back in the white house’”.

    Death to Amerika. Death to the settlers. Death to the sheepdogs. Death to the waterbearers. Death to CPUSA.

    • cfgaussianOP
      3 months ago

      Death to CPUSA

      We shouldn’t condemn the entire CPUSA for the actions of a corrupt and collaborationist leadership. As the text points out, there are many good and principled communists in the party still:

      They have also been unable to fully remove or crush those committed to the scientific process of Marxism-Leninism; these members will likely continue to organize within the party and gain popularity.

      But yes, the pro-DNC line needs to be unequivocally condemned and rejected. The paragraph you quoted shows that there are some serious delusions within a certain segment of the party.

      • cfgaussianOP
        3 months ago

        They remind me of a typical trade union, a lot of the rank and file are genuinely revolutionary but the leadership is co-opted and does not listen to the rank and file and prefers to undemocratically adopt a collaborationist line.

  • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    From Marxist Leninist to Marxist Philistine…

    Now they have joined the revisionist likes of Kautsky, Lasalle, Bernstein, and Rabocheye Dyelo and Mysl…etc…

    It’s gotten to the point you have to wonder if they’re planning to co-opt the term “Communist” like the pro-imperialist reformists of Germany did with “Revolutionary Social Democracy”…

  • redtea
    3 months ago

    If the Communist … truly wishes to succeed, it must abandon the [Communist] Party [of the USA] and serve as a guiding light for workers, away from the rabid liberalism it currently endorses.

  • Muad'DibberA
    3 months ago

    Once again urging all leftist orgs to abandon “fascism” from their used terms list. The US and British empires did and continue to do far worse than any fascist formation did, and they did it under bourgeois democracy, which has proven to be a far more stable form of government for settler-colonialism and imperialism than fascism.

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    3 months ago

    “participation in the broad front to defeat Trump, Trumpism, and the MAGA Republicans.”

    Is this a real org?

    • cfgaussianOP
      3 months ago

      And of course there was this gem:

      the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2024 elections will be a “decisive defeat for the corporate right-wing and fascist forces. This will help change the balance of forces and clear the way to change the direction of our nation—to slash the military budget, end the sending of weapons to Israel, tax the rich, win quality healthcare for all […]

      Lol. I have no words. Just lol.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        3 months ago

        Because Biden totally isn’t throwing money and weapons at Israel rn… listen Jack, he finally beat Medicare…

        It’s nice to see that COINTELPRO is still operating well! Hats off to our CIA agents!

        • cfgaussianOP
          3 months ago

          The devil works hard, but your COINTELPRO agent works harder.