I am the crab that pinches your butt, Dirt Owl
Oh, and if Hexbears are libs, then I must be the libiest of all libs
However, if you’re anti-communist, I’ll be anti-anti-communist, just like how conservatives are anti-antifa
Isn’t this the guy who talked about gooners being inclined to being fascist, due to their “bohemian” nature?
Actually, scratch Falastin, what about the rest of his foreign political and political economic stances?
Like a dog who returns to his vomit
Say what you want about the failsons of neoliberalism, that are Mexican Latina American “cartels” (are they really cartels?), but they’re the ones propping up the U.S economy I guess, if not acting as its pseudo-state actor military force for primitive accumulation and rentseeking
The multinational banana producer Chiquita Brands was found liable in 2024 for killings by a Colombian right-wing paramilitary group that was designated as a terrorist organization. Chiquita Brands said that it had been extorted by the paramilitary group and forced to make payments to protect its Colombian employees. Plaintiffs, however, argued that the company had paid the paramilitary group to run out residents to buy land at depressed values.
That’s a new term to me. Takfiris must rlly hate 'em I guess.
All as goes as planned in Amerikkka.
Insert quote on anti-semites
If they felt threatened by it, they would’ve treated the 2nd salute as a confirmation of fascism, a la .
recovery over the ashes, I suppose.
Ah mate, I think you oughta post this somewhere else. I’ll repost this to shitreactionariessays, aight. Just post a new sources link and title (of the source’s article), and that’s it.
Good notice, and happy caik day.
The NatSec agents came after them, wope.
It’s simple, one commits hasbara while the other brags about it.
In modern Amerikkkabrain translation: the two parties told y’all to reject the CCP desinformatsya of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
In fact I was on my way to a sanatorium to convalesce when a native scout told me a curious story. Man eats the flesh of another, he takes the other man’s strength, absorbs his spirit. Well. Naturally I just had to try. Consequently I ate the scout first and you know he was absolutely right. I grew stronger. Tuberculosis? Vanished. As did the headaches and the black thoughts. I returned that spring happy. And healthy. And virile…
Ravenous, Colonel Ives’ quote on wendigo-esque cannibalism
I thought he was a former Marxist Leninist Maoist?