Left image: hot, showcases human beauty and a warrior’s strength, incorporates historical armor design enough to be respectful
Right image: offputting, uncanny valley vibes, offensive disregard for historical armor design.
I’m horny as hell but who would seriously prefer the fake armor and lack of strength and personality in the right image to the humanity, strength, and dignity of the left image, not to mention the superior armor design?
I don’t think these weirdos are actually sexually interested in women. Unironically, they should just sell their multi thousand dollar gaming computers and buy a high quality sex doll instead. They’d be happier, and every woman who has the misfortune of having to encounter them would be happier too.
Your entire quote sounds cool as fuck. I obviously was never taught that interpretation in history class, can you expound upon it please? This is new to me. I think the way they presented it was the “appeasement from neville chamberlain unleashed hitler upon europe” or some shit.