CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • Left image: hot, showcases human beauty and a warrior’s strength, incorporates historical armor design enough to be respectful

    Right image: offputting, uncanny valley vibes, offensive disregard for historical armor design.

    I’m horny as hell but who would seriously prefer the fake armor and lack of strength and personality in the right image to the humanity, strength, and dignity of the left image, not to mention the superior armor design?

    I don’t think these weirdos are actually sexually interested in women. Unironically, they should just sell their multi thousand dollar gaming computers and buy a high quality sex doll instead. They’d be happier, and every woman who has the misfortune of having to encounter them would be happier too.

  • wtf that’s terrible! Fuck these ghoulish employers. And 15 years of experience is a lot of talent and skill for them to throw away just because you don’t want to go along with their evil and stupid policies.

    This is one of my big fears, that I’ll end up “unemployable”. Howhave you managed to get by that long? Unemployment caps out at 18 months, at least where I am.

    I have been far more productive remote than I ever was in the office. Getting to and from the office and dealing with the sensory and social hell of it drained me to the point where most of my capacity to work was wasted on their inane in-office rules and shit that had nothing to do with, well, doing the work.

    There was absolutely nothing more productive about being in office before the pandemic started, and now that we’re in a prolonged pandemic office-work is even more unproductive than before!

    Bosses: Oh , we want you to have face to face conversations with coworkers! Reality: It’s going to be at most face to mask because if I have to be in office then I have to be in a respirator. And I’m going to be keeping my distance from the unmasked plague rats, and if they come in sick like they often do I’ll be cursing at them and telling them to go die in a fire. You want to see my face? Then let me video call in from the safety of home. You want me to be cool with coworkers coming in sick? Then let me work from the safety of home where I don’t have to protect myself from their psychotic desire to assault everyone around them by spreading the fucking plague.

    Bosses: We want you to be able to spend more time working away from distractions. Reality: At home, anytime I need a sip of water or a snack, I can just drink or eat. At the office, I would have to go outside anytime I needed to eat or drink. Even if that means leaving a meeting. Oh and of course I’m not clocking out for that “break” because it only takes so long because they demanded in-office presence. Depending on the office size the round trip may take 10 minutes. And sometimes after drinking, I need to drink again quickly – especially if I’ve been delaying hydrating because I’ve been in a mask indoors for hours – so it might be a cycle of very frequent disruptions. I’m sure they’d quickly get pissed and try to hold disciplinary action for doing what they forced me to do.

    Fuck them. Office-pilled management is evil and I hope they all die horribly.

  • (For context my partner is high risk for covid so we are extremely cautious. I work remote but my job sucks so I’m trying to find something better, doing everything I can to not take in-person jobs, because if I took covid home and it killed or disabled them then that would be awful ).

    Some asshole recruiter tried to neg me because he emailed me about a remote job, then in the call he revealed that sike! it’s not actually remote. He got butthurt when I told him not to waste my time with this bait and switch shit, then told me I’m really limiting my ability to take good opportunities by being inflexible. I told him if the job risks the health and life of the person who’s most important to me in the world then it is by definition a dogshit opportunity, and he can go fuck himself, then hung up.

    Unlimited death upon plague-rat employers who forcibly infect employees for “cOmPaNy cUlTuRE”. Their culture is disease.

  • Reminder that this is what the Liberals who rehabilitate Bush and Cheney’s image think is completely fine (CONTENT WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS OF MASSACRED CIVILIANS IN IRAQ):

    “On the morning of November 19, 2005, a squad of Marines was travelling in four Humvees down a road in the town of Haditha, Iraq, when their convoy hit an I.E.D. The blast killed one Marine, Lance Corporal Miguel Terrazas, and injured two others. What followed would spark one of the largest war-crime investigations in the history of the United States. During the next several hours, Marines killed twenty-four Iraqi men, women, and children. Near the site of the explosion, they shot five men who had been driving to a college in Baghdad. They entered three nearby homes and killed nearly everyone inside. The youngest victim was a three-year-old girl. The oldest was a seventy-six-year-old man. The Marines would later claim that they were fighting insurgents that day, but the dead were all civilians. After the killing was over, two other Marines set off to document the aftermath. Lance Corporal Ryan Briones brought his Olympus digital camera. Lance Corporal Andrew Wright had a red Sharpie marker. Briones and Wright went from site to site, marking bodies with numbers and then photographing them. Other Marines, including one who worked in intelligence, also photographed the scene. By the time they were done, they had made a collection of photographs that would be the most powerful evidence against their fellow-Marines. This project is supported by the Pulitzer Center. The killings came to be known as the Haditha massacre. Four Marines were charged with murder, but those charges were later dropped. General James Mattis, who went on to become Secretary of Defense, wrote a glowing letter to one of the Marines, dismissing his charges and declaring him innocent. By 2012, when the final case ended in a plea deal with no prison sentence, the Iraq War was over, and stories about the legacy of the U.S. occupation rarely got much attention. The news barely registered. The impact of an alleged war crime is often directly related to the horror of the images that end up in the hands of the public. The abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison became an international scandal when graphic photos were published. The Haditha killings had no similar moment. A few of the images that the Marines had made ended up in the public domain, but most have never been released. In an oral-history interview for the Marine Corps, in 2014, General Michael Hagee, who was the commandant of the Marine Corps at the time of the Haditha killings, bragged about keeping the Haditha photos secret. “The press never got them, unlike Abu Ghraib,” Hagee said. The interviewer, Fred Allison, a Marine Corps historian, interjected, “The pictures. They got the pictures. That was what was so bad about Abu Ghraib.” “Yes,” Hagee replied. “And I learned from that.” He said, “Those pictures today have still not been seen. And so, I’m quite proud of that.” In 2020, our reporting team at the In the Dark podcast filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Navy, seeking records that included the photos. We thought that the photos would help us reconstruct what happened that day—and why the military had dropped murder charges against the Marines involved. The Navy released nothing in response. We then sued the Navy, the Marine Corps, and U.S. Central Command to force them to turn over the photos and other records related to the Haditha killings. We anticipated that the government would claim that the release of the photos would harm the surviving family members of the dead. Military prosecutors had already made this argument after the trial of the final accused Marine. While we were fighting with the military to get the photos, a colleague and I travelled to Iraq to meet with family members of the victims of the killings. They recounted what had happened on November 19, 2005, and their efforts to seek justice, all of which had failed. “I believe this is our duty to tell the truth,” Khalid Salman Raseef, a lawyer who lost fifteen members of his family that day, told me. Another man, Khalid Jamal, was fourteen when his father and his uncles were killed. He told me that he’d spent years wondering what happened in his family members’ final moments. “Did they die like brave men? Were they scared?” he said. “I want to know the details.” We asked the two men if they would help us obtain the photos of their dead family members. They agreed, and we entered into an unusual collaboration—an American journalist and two Iraqi men whose family members had been killed, working together to pry loose the military’s secrets. I worked with the lawyers representing us in our lawsuits against the military to draft a form that the surviving family members could sign, indicating that they wanted us to have the photos. Raseef and Jamal offered to take the form to the other family members. The two men went house to house in Haditha, explaining our reporting and what we were trying to do. At one house, Jamal told the father of one of the men who was killed while trying to get to Baghdad, “Of course, I am one of you.” Jamal asked him to sign the form, saying, “Things that happened in the massacre will be exposed.” The father, Hameed Fleh Hassan, told him, “The drowning man will cling to the straw. . . . We sign. We sign. I will sign it twice, not once.” Raseef and Jamal collected seventeen signatures. Our attorney filed the form in court as part of our lawsuit. In March, more than four years after our initial FOIA request, the military relented, and gave us the photos. The New Yorker has decided to publish a selection of these photos, with the permission of the surviving family members of those depicted, to reveal the horror of a killing that the military chose not to punish.”