People who claim to have gone from a “Marxist”(which I doubt they ever had a real understanding of) to anarchist don’t make any sense. Do these people think ignoring the national and global level of the problem will better address it? Do they think the oligarchy won’t equally quell your pitiful attempt at anarchism with tanks and artillery the same as any other attempt to break free of the system?

How could anyone think anarchism could address climate change more effectively when it’s incapable of removing the capitalist system from power as we see throughout history?

  • lxvi
    2 years ago

    You know I really like the Catholics and blame the protestants for a lot of America’s arrogant behavior.

    Hear me out: you don’t just get to be a Catholic. If you want the little piece of bread, you have to go through all sorts of steps and get made into a Catholic. You don’t hear Catholics going around saying they’ve been talking to God and God’s been talking back. They know better than to listen to their untrained mind and assume that to be the voice of God.

    Americans, just like everything else, have their own special kind of Christianity, different from everyone else’s. If you want to be a Christian, all you have to do is go up to the front of the church and say you’re saved. You start babbling like an idiot and everyone’s got to respect that as the Holy Spirit. Some self absorbed Christian with no religious education goes around calling their inner monalog the voice God, and how are you ever going to convince this person that they don’t know everything there is to know, when they think their inner voice is the voice of the Highest God?

    This is how Americans think, Christian or not. You want to be a Marxist then you’re a Marxist. Whatever thought pops in your head is the word from on High. No need to go beyond it.