Ben Norton - an absolute gigachad legend - goes deeper into Graham’s statements and sheds some light onto US’ material interests in regards to Ukraine and the war.
Ben Norton - an absolute gigachad legend - goes deeper into Graham’s statements and sheds some light onto US’ material interests in regards to Ukraine and the war.
Whatever the end result is, I hope that Ukraine can escape the western, Banderite grasp. Best of luck to you and your parents…
On that regard, I imagine the local people of east Ukraine won’t react too positively to being lumped in with the west again, either, though. The easternmost parts (Donbass/Crimea/likely Kharkiv/Zaporizhia/etc) certainly will never rejoin Ukraine again- and when and if Russia gets to Odessa, considering the horrors inflicted on the locals there as well, I can imagine they’d fight tooth and nail for the Russians to stay and not return them to some reformed Ukraine.
Thank you, comrade.
Still being inflicted. I mean, it’s bad everywhere, but it is no surprise it’s even worse in Odessa and Kharkov