Alright enough shitposting for now, hope everyone enjoyed

  • PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    Every account here is from the home team.

    This is what i had doubts about in GenZedong too. Problem goes like that: if the very base of marxism is so casually misunderstand or openly denied, this is not the same team as in “marxist” team. This is ML space, not big tent, i would expect people maybe arguing about finer points, new challenges and interpretations (especially according to material conditions, as ML’s should) but not its absolute core principle.

    You keep making arguments that religion doesn’t belong in communism (which I agree with and haven’t said I don’t) while you’re glossing over the interpersonal issues.

    You just admitted to downvoting me because you had personal issue with my comment. Good to know you agree with meritum. From my r/GZ experience, you just could not criticize religions there without flock of people dogpiling you and saying nonsenses like (actual quote) “you cannot be marxist without being religious” - so maybe i’m overreating, but when i saw the amount of downvotes on even the dryest statements - it’s the same look. At least people in comments here are on better level (except maybe one)

    Actual communism is party work

    Both. Work without theory or with wrong one is also erroneous and will lead to nowhere, as proven multiple times. Where i did negated need for party work? I even linked you Lenin article where he says just this.