Alright enough shitposting for now, hope everyone enjoyed

    2 years ago

    This is what the bible describes, as I said edited and censored by the clergy, much later. None of the current evangeliso was written at the time when such a character lived, all of them date from between 100 and 300 AD. Although the recently discovered Dead Sea scrolls describe this character quite differently, many of these scrolls were therefore immediately removed to the Vatican cellars. What continues to spread was what you describe, but it sure does not coincide with the facts spread by the first Christians, Gnostics, they were even eliminated and persecuted by the church, precisely because they denied its authorship, believing that all humans, whether men or women, they are equal because the same divine spirit reigns in all of them, which requires neither spokespersons nor temples. This naturally was declared as heresy by the ecclesiastical hierarchy, when questioning its existence. The same ones that later set themselves up as the absolute leaders of Christianity, using grossly forged documents (Donatio Constantini) that were later even approved by dictators throughout history, the last Mussolini. That is to say, the church is a monumental fraud from start to finish, a simple instrument of power to keep the people submissive and ignorant, the only proposit.

    • VictimOfReligion
      2 years ago

      Regarding ancient Christians, they were not much different from Johnstown, if you search for it…