Going along with the theme of this thread yesterday, the admin team here has decided to remove these two communities.

Not only are people getting tired of seeing cringe / reactionary content fill up lemmygrad, but it doesn’t create a very welcoming atmosphere for new people, or those wanting to sign up, to see a bunch of reactionary content / hate speech directed at you.

We don’t want to host that content, or make other people see it.

We’ll evaluate these cringe-type / reactionary-content communities on a case-by-case basis, to decide if they should stay or not. Feel free to comment any below that you think should probably be removed.

Stay vigilant comrades, and if you see too much reactionary content being posted to lemmygrad, report it and we’ll get to it as soon as we can.


    2 years ago

    Now this brings up another point is, why we came to this trend?

    Seems like all these “Shit reactionaries say” popped up because we are all around the same page in education of anti imperialist world view. There’s not too many new members coming in, and we haven’t much to debate/explain theory on since there’s not too many libs left. Thus out of our boredom we have resorted to this trend of making fun of reactionaries, instead of making any progressive gains.

    So what should we do instead that is productive? Capital 101? maybe make posts explaining more regional movements?


      • 201dberg
        2 years ago

        My main reason for coming to this site was learning more and also news from socialist countries. That why I liked the old GenZe sub. Sure it also did a lot of lib dunking but also had a good amount of news posts and discussions that helped me learn counterpoints to a lot of west propaganda.

        It’s rough when you don’t know what to read or where to look for answers. It’s also not so easy to find time to sit down and really dig into a lot of literature. It’s part of why people like Grover Furr are so damn important. Need to make a statue of that comrade.

      • CITRUS
        2 years ago

        I think “what organizing/praxis have you done lately?” would be a fine community. Personally I haven’t had to chance to organize yet, but I have been planting seeds doubting liberal narratives in my peers. There could also be specifics about the nitty gritty of organizing.

        I remember I touched on similar issues of communities in my, optimistic and very naive Club Hub phase after the great GZD migration.

        Now for what other parts of being a communist, at first I was thinking why there weren’t any analysis of actually constructing socialism. But then I realized it’s probably due to Lemmygrad being in English and thus many many comrades are more concerned about actually achieving revolution, then constructing socialism post rev.

        Maybe have different scenarios of how to radicalize libs? Problem is Lemmygrad has very few numbers for a forum site. What’s the progress of trying to federalize with Hexbear at?

    • Munrock ☭
      2 years ago

      Asking an open-ended question that you already have (some) answers to is a good way to get people talking.

      Posting explainers about a subject is good because it benefits from a single author, prompting discussion about a subject is better because it taps into collective knowledge, prompting a discussion about a subject and then editing the opening post into a thread summary later gets the best of both.