People want the zero-COVID policy to end, and CPC ends it. Even if it might be the wrong decision, people speak their voice, and the party listens. Has any protest in the west actually achieve anything?

Xi said in 2005 (it’s important to read theories, bro)

“No matter how correct our policy is, if it is not understood by the masses, it will be difficult to implement it. If the masses don’t listen, you follow the masses first, and if the masses jump into the fire pit, you also jump down. The masses have awakened and climbed out of the fire pit, and they will eventually follow you. If the masses jump, and you don’t, the relationship between the cadres and the masses will be alienated. You jump together, get emotionally closer, and get the job done. What are the characteristics of mass work under the new situation? An important feature is that the people’s awareness of democracy and self-rights protection has been enhanced.”

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    2 years ago

    I absolutely agree, China was an excellent model of what Zero Covid should look like in a country so susceptible to quick disease spreading(they do have a population of more than 1.5 billion people in a space smaller than the US after all), but now that things are significantly more controlled than the past 2 years, and the people call for change, I can understand why the CPC decided to go this way. I’m proud of China for having a party dedicated to fighting opportunism and dogmatic adventurism at damn near every step of their development