Key excerpt: "…Unreported in the Ukrainian media, or the western press, is the desexualization of the Ukraine, except for Lvov. To resupply the army, the Zelensky government has imposed a prohibition on men leaving the country. Those who have escaped managed to do so by paying bribes of up to $25,000. The stream of Ukrainian refugees reported in Poland are predominantly women and children. The flow-on effect reported in Germany, Sweden and Norway is similar – and the result is widespread sex trafficking.

A source in Oslo: “Of 30,000 refugees in Norway, I’ve been told that 95% are women. For the first time in their lives they have decent living, education, training, welfare stipend and prospects of jobs. In return, they will solve the demographic crisis of northern Europe. I see many Arab migrants [to Norway] with Ukrainian women. In Germany, Britain and Sweden, men are having a great choice of feminine and not feminist women. The Swedish police also say that nearly 100% of the prostitutes they arrest are now Ukrainian. Some of this is what I read in our mass media. I’m not sure what is the truth.”

A source in Kiev: “Broken-family girls move abroad, those in stable relationships, with their men mobilized, do not. Undereducated or working class women, or men, eventually will leave because they know there is zero economic future. Their Ukraine is wrecked and people will leave. Just when, we can only guess. The Ukrainians who profit from the US and EU cash and from the arms trade – the westerners – they will stay until or unless the Americans evacuate Zelensky…” "

In general there is a lot of interesting (sometimes controversial but always thought provoking) stuff on Helmer’s site -

  • JucheBot1988
    141 year ago

    Whenever I hear some drooling Yankee tell me how sexy he thinks “Slavic women” are, I want to punch him in his red-white-and-blue face.