• All this bloodshed and misery and the US will still end up losing the fight. Russia had a reasonable demand to not have NATO on its doorstep. Finland and Sweden (until just recently) were examples of the fact that Russia isn’t willing to attack a neutral nation.

    That’s it, at the beginning of the war, Blinken could’ve just offered Ukraine’s neutrality (and possibly guaranteed independent protections for Donetsk and Luhansk) in exchange for Russia paying reparations. That would’ve been reasonable, but the US doesn’t do anything reasonable.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      102 months ago

      Indeed, but the problem was that meeting this reasonable demand would be an admission that there are limits to NATO power. So, now Russia is conducting a practical demonstration of those limits for all to see.

  • @cfgaussian
    2 months ago

    What’s most interesting about articles like this is that this is not some leftist alternative media publication or some fringe pro-Russia pundit, it’s a mainstream conservative (though they claim they are not neocons but “realists”) US imperialist think tank that has for decades been deeply embedded into the US foreign policy establishment, founded by Nixon and formerly chaired by war criminal Henry Kissinger.

    It shows the clear cracks in the imperialist state that there is now this deepening divide between the current leadership of completely fanatical neocons like Blinken and Nuland who are growing increasingly detached from reality and the “old guard” establishment who still have some semblance of sense and are trying desperately but futilely to steer the ship of empire away from the abyss it is sailing into.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      132 months ago

      Yeah, this was a very sober assessment from a mainstream outlet. The fact that these kinds of articles are being published now is a clear sign that the war is in its final stages.

      • @frippa@lemmy.ml
        92 months ago

        I just hope the US will allow Ukraine to surrender swiftly so this war can end fast. Sure depleting NATO’s stockpiles is good, but if this carnage continues I just know they’re going to openly deploy Nato troops in Ukraine en masse, and that’s the point it really becomes a forever war.

        Russia has already occupied enough objectives to negotiate as the winner in the peace talks, now it’s a question of when the US will allow said peace talks.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          92 months ago

          I expect US will try to keep the war going until the election is over, then quietly try to wind it down. Of course, it is possible that the Ukrainian army collapses before then regardless of what US does.