• SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    6 months ago

    Fascism or not, I still would support decolonization. Regardless of if the Hindutva government is in power, India’s resources and labor deserves to be its own. Same with Indonesia, no matter how ugly its politics are, etc. And the root of all this evil is always, always the west. Who instigated Islamists and the military junta to overthrow Sukarno and genocide millions? The US, hell, their alphabet agencies and corporations even gave the army hitlists to get them started. Whose divide-and-conquer policies led to such brutal Hindu-Muslim divisions on the Indian subcontinent, and such instability to fan the flames? The Brits and then the US.

    Supporting Indonesia in its resource sovereignty is helping create a foundation from which better can emerge in the country- and it is supporting a movement across all the global south at that. And it is striking the truest, worst fascists, the root of all fascists.

      • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
        6 months ago

        I thankfully don’t know who you’re talking about, but it certainly sounds like typical CIA/NED antics. Personally I hold the west, and particularly the US/UK, entirely to blame for the evils of modern Islamic extremism- they’re the ones who funded and nurtured political Wahhabism, they’re the ones who have slaughtered and continue to try to slaughter the Muslim world’s secularists, who have armed countless jihadis, and their actions have caused such cultural and religious damage in doing so, that I would call it perhaps one of the world’s greatest disasters in regards to religion, beyond the damage of the crusades, inquisitions, and wars of religion, and lesser only than the genocidal extermination of indigenous religions that came with European colonization across the Americas and the global south, which continues to this day.

        *edit- nevermind, apparently I do know who you’re talking about (though I never knew his name, simply knew the channel). While I’m not a Muslim, I’ve watched some of his videos and generally had some agreement with them (in regards to his criticism of the west, whether in regards to the genocide in Gaza or the hypocrisy and lies of western “civilization,” “tolerance,” “equality,” etc. with its neoliberal, hyperexploitative society)- it’s shameful to see his actual history and background.