Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

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We now have our own Matrix server at https://genzedong.org; you can make an account with any Matrix client (e.g. Element).

Lemmygrad has a Matrix room at #internationale:genzedong.org

The GenZedong Matrix Room is coming soon Breaking the GenZedong Matrix Room is here, #welcome:genzedong.org , Join then tell a comrade that the GZD matrix room is open!

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    Made the mistake of commenting under the 100th daily anti-communist post in historymemes. Some bootlickers replied but the icing on the cake was this polish dude commenting how loooooong everything took under communism and that the current system was therefore better. His account posted solely hentai porn.