The failure of liberals to acknowledge both the pervasive white supremacy and fascism at home in the West and, by extension, the Zionist entity in the Middle East signifies the war apparatus will persist in killing countless people worldwide, with the number of victims only increasing.

Liberals wrongly assume that all oppressed groups are separated from each other, such as women, LGBT+, and POC, and are unable to see they overlap. One person can be in these three groups.

For LGBT+, it seems liberals believe it’s an ideology rather than a material reality. This false belief explains why they can successfully utilize rainbow imperialism. With Palestine, for example, they will argue that a gay person has freedom within Israel, in contrast to Gaza. However, it’s always a white individual in the West who has claims to this imagined freedom in this argument. Liberals don’t care about gay Palestinians and unconsciously assume gays in Gaza don’t exist due to their view that LGBT+ is an ideology. They are attempting to pit settler-LGBTs against racial minorities, creating an “us vs. them” mentality and ignoring the existence of POC who are lgbt. It’s as if liberals truly believe nonwhites and queers are two completely distinct things.

Consequently, it becomes quite acceptable to many Liberals to bomb brown people, who are all assumed to be homophobic, too inhumane, uncivilized, and barbaric to have gay individuals in their societies; consciously thought or not, it doesn’t matter much. Statically, there must be as many gay people in Gaza as there are in the U.S. if we consider the overall population a factor. Otherwise, we would wrongly conclude that it’s an ideology rather than being born as one.

We can see a similar phenomenon with liberal feminism, where they mistakenly regard the Palestinian resistance as being sexist, brutish men. Accordingly, it becomes acceptable to many liberal women for the Western states and the Zionist occupation to kill Palestinians.

The Western states are developing an ideology and manufacturing consent for the war machine, as usual. Within the confinement of Capitalism, its central ideology of liberalism can only progress to a certain extent. Capitalism constrains the progressive leftists and, therefore, cannot accurately find any adequate solutions to our problems.

A straightforward expression: they can’t think outside the box. They are incapable of analyzing our economic system through its classes. As Michael Parenti said, the state guides the public to discuss anything but the C-word.

The most important thing about all this is that if economic classes and POC in the U.S. and the world are interrelated, then without a proper class analysis, all explanations and solutions will be fascistic. Progressive liberals are social fascists, including websites like lgbtqnation and pinknews; both are guilty of atrocity propaganda.

Here is a recent example of propaganda against Yemen from thepinknews:

According to Amnesty International, the rebels continue to target LGBTQ+ people with arbitrary arrest and torture, including **** and other forms of sexual violence. In 2022, the Southern Transitional Council, a secessionist organisation in South Yemen, and the Houthis arrested at least five people on the basis of either their refusal to conform to “masculine” and “feminine” presentation or their LGBTQ+ activism. On one occasion, a queer man was pulled off the street and accused of being a “sexual deviant.” He was detained in a military vehicle and only released on the condition that he agreed to help the Houthis capture people who did not conform to gender norms. However, after he was released he refused, and was told by security forces that he was wanted for arrest once again.

The typical evil ‘white straight man’ gets stripped of its whiteness, of its class relation and its settler-colonialism roots, and merely becomes an elusive ‘straight man.’ Consequently, liberals, alongside the settler lgbt and feminist organizations, justify the bombing of the “barbaric” people of the Middle East and, likewise, the war against the so-called overly masculine, homophobic Russian “orcs.”

Our all too familiar domestic enemy: the evil straight white men; when this concept is confined within Capitalism and restrained by the lack of class analysis of liberalism, it becomes the justification of the Western war apparatus; they also become our foreign enemies. Those progressives can’t even analyze their own class society correctly, let alone examine another one far from their home.

A lot of progressives will undoubtedly align themselves with unabashed fascists due to their views on Capitalism and their common enemies from the war apparatus. In the decades to come, the progressives who pretended as if they were fighting fascism at home, pretending to care about the oppressed, will justify themselves by declaring it could be worse, “Fascist America killing minorities is bad, but Communist China is infinitely worse.”

The developing progressive ideology of the “us vs. them” mentality within the constraints of Capitalism, without proper class analysis, can solely decay into more aggressive imperialism and fascism.

In an attempt to satisfy the hungry masses with concessions, neoliberals and progressives pillage the global south, and by doing so, they try to export poverty. In addition, the progressives’ concept of domestic enemies: the sexists, the homophobes, and the right-wing extremists who want rigid gender norms, as the earlier pinknews article mentioned, are now, too, our enemies in foreign countries. However, since liberals can’t continuously and adequately satisfy the starving working class, fascism festers politics domestically. The liberals need to push their concept of progressivism to justify imperialism. Being incompetent by doing so has a reverse effect at home and feeds fascism to the hungry people. People are tired of identity politics platitudes and want fundamental changes to their material conditions, which liberals will never be able to provide. And thereby, a contradiction emerges.

The smugness of liberals, their inability to concede and accept defeat, is killing humanity and the potential for a socialist revolution. Fascists are capitalizing on the discontent of the Western masses for the benefit of the ruling class.

When America meets its doom, liberals will be the smuggest anti-communists on the cinder.

It’s only principled leftism, namely Marxism-Leninism, that can save us with its genuine unity of working-class people, LGBT+, and unite all the oppressed. To hell with Capitalism and its genocidal methods of self-preservation, namely fascism, which doesn’t even benefit the workers to begin with!

  • DamarcusArt
    7 months ago

    There’s just something so inhuman about it, watching them laugh and mock people for wanting the world to be a better place, and being smug and proud of the fact that they are standing in the way of that, entirely by choice, and trying to lecture us on how their position of being pro-genocide is the morally superior one. I used to call them “ghouls” but they’re worse than that, they’re worse than an undead monstrosity that eats corpses.