• cfgaussian
    7 months ago

    The “Russian outlet” in question are registered as foreign agents in Russia by the way, have no office in Russia itself, and are just a network of around a dozen or so propagandists living outside of Russia who are in bed with “OpenDemocracy” (funded by Soros and the CIA) and the Atlantic Council.

    I also like how further down in the article they basically admit this is just rumor mongering:

    Business Insider was unable to independently verify the claims made in the article.

    And then of course they have to include some of the greatest hits of anti-Russian propaganda like “human wave assaults”, “poorly led, poorly trained”, contrary to what Ukrainian soldiers themselves are saying, and contrary to what even anti-Russian outlets like Mediazona are admitting about Russian casualties actually being several times less than those of the Ukrainians.

    Please, Business Insider, explain to us how come that Ukraine’s much vaunted counter-offensive failed and how Russia managed to take some of the most fortified cities and is now advancing all along the line if they are so bad at everything and are just throwing human waves at the Ukrainians who are equipped with the supposedly superior NATO wunderwaffen and who were trained according to superior NATO doctrine.

    Shouldn’t the Ukrainian supersoldiers just be mowing down the primitive Russians? Please make it make sense.

    • Shrike502
      7 months ago

      Shouldn’t the Ukrainian supersoldiers just be mowing down the primitive Russians

      The media appears to claim they do, but the human waves are so big and endless that they are just getting overwhelmed. You know. Usual shit.

    • knfrmity
      7 months ago

      Fascist Insider has been really on it lately with the Nazi era propaganda. Göbbels would be proud.