I’ve noticed a peculiar phenomenon prevalent with the liberals. They have an inclination to diminish the complexity of those they perceive as adversaries by reducing them to caricatures or dehumanizing representations.

For instance, they liken Xi to Winnie the Pooh, depicting him in a manner that belittles his position and influence. Similarly, Putin is portrayed as a mad king, exaggerating his power and malevolence for dramatic effect. They characterize Russians as orcs, implying that they are inherently evil and lacking in humanity’s essential qualities of compassion and reason.

This trend seems to suggest a reluctance among liberals to engage with opposing viewpoints on their own merits, instead choosing to dismiss them outright or diminish their significance through caricatured representations. This approach may serve as a form of psychological defense mechanism, allowing individuals to avoid the discomfort and cognitive dissonance that can arise from confronting unfamiliar or challenging ideas.

A group, claiming to champion values such as empathy, inclusivity, and respect for diversity, appears to be engaging in a peculiar behavior: dehumanizing their opponents by reducing them to caricatures or diminishing their complexity. This trend is as a form of naked hypocrisy.

  • ExotiqueMatter
    5 months ago

    Least smug liberal.

    At least that make the shit they write very funny to read.

    • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺
      5 months ago

      Incase anyone is wondering, dropping a context link is now bullying, they sent me a message saying I was worse than the people on R/DonaldTrump because I tracked them down to bully them,

      I cannot stress this enough, I found it while looking for their incident, then posted the context they neglected too

              • ExotiqueMatter
                5 months ago

                I’m expecting to see a post full of lies and distortions about how they have been bullied by the mean tankies on whatever lib instance they are at any moment at this point. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that happen.

    • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺
      5 months ago

      Honestly I am slightly disapointed they left (and deleted the first comment they left here, if anyone has a backup please let me know it was a perfect example of the post)