Thank you all for being so great. The kindness and intellect in this community has been like no other, and a real relief from libshit r*ddit. I love you, comrades.

And for the few feds that may be lurking, face the wall.

    92 years ago

    Praise be to Allah for GZD sub being quarantined. Great opportunity to dump reddit entirely. It was becoming such a lib shithole, the only subs I really used reddit for outside of GZD was pharmacology and drug subs and with the Russia shit even there I was constantly bombarded with just endless pro US dogshit. Legit would be posting about various cannabinoid receptor binding affinities and be getting comments about how I must have a high social credit score, love dictatorships, and how Marxism is worse than fascism. I even got spammed with this bullshit fucking conspiracy theory about how all the fentanyl in the US is a plot by china to ruin the country and how china trains the cartels to make fentanyl. The cold war hysteria is sickening and I’m over it.