His new video on tankies. There’s a seriously chunk of condemning anti-americanism as an unprincipled view or something one should avoid.

So. Where is the third way, MLs? Where is this people’s army within America and Europe and Japan that is committed to defeating imperialism so that we dont have to choose to take a principled anti imperialist stance by supporting or defending Russia’s actions despite knowing full damn well that they DO have capitalist ambitions (which has not yet emerged in anyway comparable to America) and that they are orthodox and right wing?

Where is this legion that’s gonna put America and Russia and China in their place for being big bad problematic anti liberal authoritarian states?


It doesn’t exist.

Who are we in the moment? Who should we have to be?

I have to admit. I havent seen the whole video. So im probably jumping to conclusions.

But the timing is just a bit too good.

Maybe I aint a leftist. Cause the material conditions wont let me be one.

So instead. We gotta ask ourselves. If we cant be leftists in the moment, then the choice is this. Are we for a unipolar world or a multipolar world? What else is there because saying neither Beijing or Washington is a retreat in the moment.

Maybe Im triggered and jumping to conclusions. But im starting to have a DEEP distrust of the left in english speaking spaces.

Edit: Turns out it was basically a hit piece. Honestly. Very clever. But very convincing that it isnt worth being a leftist.

  • TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    “Leftism” as a concept is for succdems. Your politics are either revolutionary or they maintain the status quo.