• Adanisi@lemmy.zip
    6 months ago

    You have just pulled basically every part of your comment from nothing. I wasn’t going to say any of that, nor have I ever said any of that.

    I recognise you’re trying to bait me into replying with the “if you don’t reply, it’s really because of x” tactic, but lucky for you I was going to reply anyways.

    Now, I can’t speak on changes to the wider system as a whole as I admittedly do not know enough about the whole political system to make comments on change, however I absolutely don’t want to maintain the status quo (not American, by the way).

    I will speak on the world of technology, and I absolutely think it needs change, everywhere. China, the US, everywhere. I believe technology and the dominant proprietary software now are predatory, anti-user, anti-community, and serve megacorp and government interests only. Hence the surveillance, which is done by both, for slightly different reasons (mindless profit vs tracking and crushing dissidence). https://gnu.org/philosophy pretty much matches my beliefs about technology if you want to read more.

    As a side note, I am very thankful for the Lemmy and ActivityPub developers for challenging proprietary software and dis-services and writing free, federated replacements, and you should be too. They are the reason we are able to debate here, and they’re helping to fight the hostile tech landscape, one step at a time.

    • DamarcusArt
      6 months ago

      I’m not trying to bait you, I’m mocking you for being exactly like every other lost lib who wanders in here.

      I’m saying that you’re not the creative freethinker that you think you are. This is an argument I have heard hundreds of times from people who say they are against the status quo and say they do not like the US, but will blindly accept whatever the US feeds them on the US’s enemies.

      How do you know China “crushes dissent” with “surveillance?” Because “everyone says it?” because “The BBC (or whoever) keeps publishing reports about it?” I would challenge you to actually question whether you know anything about the topic at all, because I can assure you, your thoughts on the matter are not your own.

      Surveillance isn’t the only way governments control people. I know you think everyone in China who approves of their government is “brainwashed” but maybe they aren’t, maybe it’s people in the west who are lied to by their governments and media and one of the ways they do that is by insisting that “everyone does it.” A thief thinks everyone else is out to steal from them, and a controlling and manipulative ruling class will insist every other country’s ruling class is exactly the same.

      I hope you will stick around and learn more, because I don’t think you’re a bad person, but will also understand if you don’t want to after I was such an asshole to you.

    • voight [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      I admittedly do not know enough about the whole political system to make comments on change, however I absolutely don’t want to maintain the status quo

      Hey computer toucher, why don’t you go on one of their news websites and find the guide to how China’s democracy works? Don’t you like manuals?

      Yes we know you like Stallman. Of course you do. We’re all like this. We just wanted to get free movies and stop comcast, and now we’re knee deep in the BLOOD. THE FUCKING BLOOD.