Ok, so if you ever get into a kerfuffle with an anarkiddy about state socialism or “tankies”, then use this statement:

Anarchism is unfeasible because the lack of a state makes a nation vulnerable because it doesn’t have a centralized military to protect itself. Marx’s “stateless classless moneyless” society is only possible if the whole world is under one state socialist government first. However, what anarchists want is to go directly from capitalism to stateless socialism, which is impossible.

  • fruechtchen@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Western Leftists just decided to back Rojava without knowing much about it, then decided to call it “anarchist” to suit their political arguments.

    it was just me who did that and i call it that way because it satisfies my anarchist desires of “Bottom-up” organization which is one core reason i am anarchist. Notice that there are many different people calling themself anarchist.

    And yes of course i don’t like peshmerga.