Here’s a closer look for those interested:

  • DamarcusArt
    10 months ago

    They’re only against things when they can’t benefit them personally. Ancaps just want to be the king of their own little fiefdom where they can eat chicken nuggies for every meal and spend all day playing video games and have all their hedonistic desires fulfilled because they are no longer held back by “society.”

    It’s easy to understand their actions when you view them as impotent manchildren who have lived easy lives and just want to live an even easier life and not be called out for their laziness. Maybe it’s a bit harsh, but they’re losers, absolute dumbasses. The sheer number of ancaps I’ve had to educate on very basic concepts would make even a lib blush. Thankfully, this incredibly childish ideology is almost entirely held by teens and children, and most adults do actually grow out of it (into bog standard libertarianism or conservatism unfortunately, but they do grow out of it)

    • redtea
      10 months ago

      A little bit of IP for me but not for thee.