I mean, the death of the state is the end goal, but in a way where society is too advanced and educated to need it. I have a hard time imagining where central planning is decentralized over time, or if central planning can somehow operate in a stateless society.

  • loathsome dongeaterA
    11 months ago

    If you look at the state as a unit of coercion that uses violent and nonviolent means to enforce and perpetuate class disparities, you can concieve of the state as something that can be separated from governance. It is possible that the state withering away means the withering away of brutal police forces and military, intelligence agencies, war industry and so on while governance still continues to exist in a more democratic fashion.

    It’s hard to say what things will look like that far into the future but I think structures like national central governments will continue to exist. They could cede significantly authority to provincial governments.