• sinovictorchan
    11 months ago

    The current fake news slanders, chemical warfare, and forced imprisonment of Indigenous First Nation people in Federal Reserve concentration camps until their forfeit their property, citizenship in their own nation, basic human rights, and reparation for the 150 years of child enslavement, unethical child experimentation, savage indoctrination, and other war crimes that the Nazi imitated in their Holocaust in Indian Residential fake schools could further indicate the attitudes to the Palestinians as well. The Western European diaspora could deny their involvement of the 150 years of fake school Holocaust against Indigenous groups, but they could not explain why they could stop the Nazi German’s cheap imitation of the fake school Holocaust on the other side of the world when they cannot stop the same genocide in their own country. The Western European emigrants could claim ignorance over the fake school Holocaust with the claim that it was only ‘cultural genocide’ to deny the rampart violence, rape, and murder in the Residential fake schools, but they could never explain why they blatently turn a blind eye to the widespread evidence of the fake school war crimes that kept leaking out even to today, or why their all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving god (which is obviously the anit-Christ pretending to be Yahweh) that supposedly give Europeans the right to rob and enslave the people of color on other continents do nothing to warn them about the devil worship in the fake school slave camps and death camps.