This is too rich. They’re making found footage style horror films to use for propaganda. Complete with the filmmaker, Yuliia Paieveska, being nowhere to be found to corroborate any of it. This could be real, of course, but everything about it feels way too hollywood.

The propaganda is getting desperate to compensate for declining interest.

  • MzuarkOP
    2 years ago

    At this point the war is an endurance match between Russia and the US: Whose economy is going to hold out longer?

    • cfgaussian
      2 years ago

      Considering the west is facing fuel and food shortages and Russia is not (and neither are China and India who have been stocking up on Russian oil and have stopped exporting grain so they can still feed their people when shit hits the fan), i would say Russia is currently winning hands down.

      The US is in a somewhat better position than Europe because technically they could probably be food and energy self-sufficient, so the US is likely going to throw the EU under the bus but inflation is still gonna hit hard for them too. In the end their system is unlikely to be able to switch to autarky though.