The Popular Front urges our heroic people across Palestine to actively participate in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle. Everyone from their respective positions and with the tools they possess, should attack the enemy’s army and its settlers, cut off its supply routes, sabotage its vital facilities, and pursue the terrified Zionist invaders in the face of resistance strikes, striking at them on every inch of Palestinian soil.

The Front emphasizes its call for everyone who bears arms, especially members of the [PA] Security Forces, to engage in the battle of the Palestinian people against their enemy and to take the natural position of every free Palestinian fighting for salvation from occupation, achieving the goals and rights of all our people.

The timing of the battle, coinciding with the glorious October War, is a call for the sons of the Arab nation and the peoples of the region to recognize their position in the overall conflict with the Zionist enemy and in this particular battle. They should carry out their duties alongside their fighting brothers in revolt in occupied Palestine.

  • supersolid_snake
    1 year ago

    It’s just something they can throw out to justify ethnic cleansing. Hamas will just become vernacular for brown Muslim like Kleenex is for tissue.

    • KiG V2
      1 year ago

      All they children they’ve murdered year after year? Hamas militants. State dept said so!