Either you ridin’ or we pass you, flyin’ by sayin’ fuck you

    • diegeticscream[all]🔻OP
      9 months ago

      you are a yankoid

      We’re clear that this is throwing stones from a glass house, right?

      The UK and the U$ are intermingled in the same gross colonial-imperial mess. You being from the country that starved Inda isn’t better than me being from the U$ with it’s myriad crimes.

      I do not give the tiniest shit about what you think about anything.

      I know, that’s why you ducked my points earlier. You’re more interested in throwing insults than anything else.

            • diegeticscream[all]🔻OP
              9 months ago

              i can continue bullying you as much as i want.

              We’re clear that this is one-sided aggression, right?

              You’re trying to be as mean to me as you can be, given the (intentionally) limited information that you have available.

              Do you get the impression that I’m trying the same?

              this ain’t hexbear motherfucker,

              It is for you. What url are you on?

              You edited in: until your mods take pity on you i guess

              You’d only get banned for being an asshole, is that a win for you?

                • diegeticscream[all]🔻OP
                  9 months ago

                  I don’t give a sit about being banned from the larper instance lmao
                  what, like 5% of you at most are in an org of any kind?

                  You skipped over that whole comment didn’t you?

                  Since you keep editing, I’ll just copy the whole thing.

                  What organizing is happening in the UK that you feel comfortable with this level of pride in your work?