1. Many libertarians have the same opinions as us on non-economic foreign policies of the West (seeing through “human rights” claims as hypocrisy to justify war that is waged for resources and geographical control, what coups/assassinations/terrorists are ClA ops, etc.) because these are all state activities and they are anti-state, at least in the current form in the West

  2. Blumenthal’s opinions on the situation of vaccines in USA is very libertarian

  3. Clearly not a communist given he has never spoken positively about any AES and never explicitly supported enemies of the West

Yea idk that’s all I got lol

  • pinkestonOP
    2 years ago

    I mean yea some libertarians have shit takes that’s why I said “many” and not all lol. Doesn’t change the fact that Blumenthal’s journalism isn’t against libertarian ideals and actually follows them in many ways

    Max Blumenthal seems to have praised China in how they have handled the COVID-19 pandemic

    I’ve never seen this, do you remember where it was from? Tried searching on Grayzone and google and couldn’t find it. If true this would be really interesting since it definitely does not align with libertarian values

    • cayde6ml
      2 years ago

      I agree with your point, I just want to give my piece.

      It was one of the articles about China. Although that may have been Ben Norton