a friend from austria sent me this article today which i will summarize shortly for you

A ukrainian 38-old who - due to a supposed cardiac weakness - was not elligible for military service “fled” in his Mercedes ti vienna. accommodated himself in the richest district of vienna and after a visit to the mosque (correction:) synagogue (unspecified) finds that 30.000 of his bars of gold (!) at the appartement are stolen. (cover up for criminal payment?). at which point he supposedly gets paranoid, goes to his car in a underground garage and because he only has money in large notations with him cannot pay the 5€ neccessary to exit the garage.

Since he is seemingly drunk (admitted to 4 whiskeys in court) two young people going out and also in the garage ask if they can help him at which point he threatens them with a knife and forces them to pay the 5€ exit fee. He doesn’t speak german but the two young people who tell the judge that he had seemingly widened pupils and was obviously (to them) on drugs, also because he had asked them for cocaine prior to the incident…

He tells the judge he is a “financier” with a wide business portfolio in “rare metals” and “real estate” earning between 20.000 and 30.000 DOLLARS (!!!) a month (and indeed he has a lot of rare metal)…

Now, supposedly “cardiac weakness” but enough cardiac strength to ask for coke, drink take drugs and threaten someone with a knife?

IS this NAZI LEADERSHIP stealing UKRAINIAN STATE FUNDS and entering the criminal underworld of Europe by buiyng themselves into drug&real estate markets or contacting their MOSSAD/CIA handlers? Because it sounds like it…

  • BreadbeardOP
    52 years ago

    btw: “special” does not relate to religion or nationality but how the host country all of a sudden seem to all ignore extremely criminal and clandestine behaviour of people where all alarm bells start ringing when you read the details. this fucker comes from some sort of glowstick factory of sorts

  • @Rafael_Luisi
    52 years ago

    Social parasites are so pathetic i do not doubt he would die of an heart attack if he stayed 5 minutes in a battlefield.

  • @Shrike502
    12 years ago

    Am I misreading your point, or are you really suggesting that bloke is a Mossad agent, because he visited a sinagogue?

    • BreadbeardOP
      2 years ago

      no, it’s just in the article. i suggest the guy is some Azov funder, maybe some Kolomoisky strawman and all the jewish stuff is just backdrop to ordinary mafia. be it zionist, OUN people, CIA/Mossad or whatever. I m not trying to insinuate here, but it’s what the article does not say, which makes it so goddamn interesting this context and Mossad/CIA are just the first two groups which come to mind in this context. in the end “probable deniability” prevails…