I know very little about the famine and was wondering if this video misrepresents anything or leaves anything out?

  • Idliketothinkimsmart
    2 years ago

    Thorough debunking including stellar academic sources and documents with citations

    I’m not going to bother watching the video because it’ll be the same rehash of propaganda. There was indeed a famine, but it was by no means directed at the Ukranian people, the entire SU experienced it. The famine was caused by a set of issues ranging from poor weather conditions, failure to enforce crop rotation, deliberate sabotage, forced industrialization, and the fact that the SU was transitioning from a destructive tsarist system of rule.

    • jasoria
      2 years ago

      the video claims that:

      • “the entire SU experienced it” is a propaganda technique to hide the Holodomor.
      • It says that the 5 year plan and rapid industrlalization were part of the causes, but I guess it implies that that didn’t benefit the Ukrainians.
      • That the “deliberate sabotage” by Kulaks was another “propaganda technique” to paint every resistant farmer as an enemy of the state.

      I have to say, it makes sense if you buy the narrative of Stalin being against the Ukrainian cultural identity (the video also goes into that, and purges of Ukrainian intellectuals).

      Also they quote a person from a “Holodomor Study Center” or something like that. I didn’t know that was a thing.

      • loathesome dongeaterA
        2 years ago

        Apparently it is affiliated with the University of Alberta which is a terrible look for the university.

        Ukrainian anticommunists seem to hold a lot of influence in Canada. Their deputy PM is unapologetically the granddaughter of a Banderite. Now this university is giving them a great platform too.

      • AverageUlyanovFan
        2 years ago

        People dedicating their entire lives to perpetuate anticommunist lies instead of being life sentenced in a labor camp to do something useful for the society smh