• Muffi@programming.dev
    10 months ago

    Software Engineering. Most software is basically just houses of cards, developed quickly and not maintained properly (to save money ofc). We will see some serious software collapses within our lifetime.

    • cwagner@lemmy.cwagner.me
      10 months ago

      We will see some serious software collapses within our lifetime.

      We pretty much read about them at least once a week.

      10 months ago

      Y2038 is my “retirement plan”.

      (Y2K, i.e. the “year 2000 problem”, affected two digit date formats. Nothing bad happened, but consensus nowadays is that that wasn’t because the issue was overblown, it’s because the issue was recognized and seriously addressed. Lots of already retired or soon retiring programmers came back to fix stuff in ancient software and made bank. In 2038, another very common date format will break. I’d say it’s much more common than 2 digit dates, but 2 digit dates may have been more common in 1985. It’s going to require a massive remediation effort and I hope AI-assisted static analysis will be viable enough to help us by then.)

      • insomniac@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        My dad is a tech in the telecommunications industry. We basically didn’t see him for all of 1999. The fact that nothing happened is because of people working their assess off.

      • homura1650@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and OSX have all already switched to 64 bit time.

        • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
          10 months ago

          Tell that to the custom binary serialization formats that all the applications are using.

          Edit: and the long-calcified protocols that embed it.

          • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
            10 months ago

            I get the joke, but for those seriously wondering:

            The epoch is Jan 1, 1970. Time uses a signed integer, so you can express up to 2^31 seconds with 32 bits or 2^63 with 64 bits.

            A normal year has exactly 31536000 seconds (even if it is a leap second year, as those are ignored for Unix time). 97 out of 400 years are leap years, adding an average of 0.2425 days or 20952 seconds per year, for an average of 31556952 seconds.

            That gives slightly over 68 years for 32 bit time, putting us at 1970+68 = 2038. For 64 bit time, it’s 292,277,024,627 years. However, some 64 bit time formats use milliseconds, microseconds, 100 nanosecond units, or nanoseconds, giving us “only” about 292 million years, 292,277 years, 29,228 years, or 292 years. Assuming they use the same epoch, nano-time 64 bit time values will become a problem some time in 2262. Even if they use 1900, an end date in 2192 makes them a bad retirement plan for anyone currently alive.

            Most importantly though, these representations are reasonably rare, so I’d expect this to be a much smaller issue, even if we haven’t managed to replace ourselves by AI by then.

            • SCB@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              an end date in 2192 makes them a bad retirement plan for anyone currently alive.

              I can’t wait to retire when I’m 208 years old.

              • SCB@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                Butlarian crusade

                Butlerian Jihad, my dude. Hate to correct you, but the spice must flow.

                • Hydroel@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  If you’re going to correct people about Dune quotes, at least use one from the book! “The spice must flow” doesn’t appear in any of them, it’s a Lynch addition.

        • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
          10 months ago

          How much software is still running 32 bit binaries that won’t be recompiled because the source code has been lost together with the build instructions, the compiler, and the guy who knew how it worked?

          How much software is using int32 instead of time_t, then casting/converting in various creative ways?

          How many protocols, serialization formats and structs have 32 bit fields?

          • crate_of_mice@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            Irrelevant. The question you should ask instead is: how many of those things will still be in use in 15 years.

        • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
          10 months ago

          The most common date format used internally is “seconds since January 1st, 1970”.

          In early 2038, the number of seconds will reach 2^31 which is the biggest number that fits in a certain (also very common) data type. Numbers bigger than that will be interpreted as negative, so instead of January 2038 it will be in December 1901 or so.

          • BarqsHasBite@lemmy.ca
            10 months ago

            Huh interesting. Why 2^31? I thought it was done in things like 2^32. We could have pushed this to 2106.

            • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
              10 months ago

              Signed integers. The number indeed goes to 2^32 but the second half is reserved for negative numbers.

              With 8 bit numbers for simplicity:

              0 means 0.
              127 means 127 (last number before 2^(7)).
              128 means -128.
              255 means -1.

          • Hazdaz@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            so instead of January 2038 it will be in December 1901…

            Maybe this is just a big elaborate time travel experiment 68 years in the making?

    • Mantis_Toboggan@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Are there currently any that are showing signs of imminent collapse? (Twitter, maybe?).

      Or what are the signs to look for those who are untrained in this field?

      • psion1369@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Is a website running on WordPress? That’s a system built on failed practices and is constantly attacked. It needs a serious overhauling and possibly replacement, but the software runs a huge majority of websites.

        • Clarke @lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          While most instances of WordPress you we’ll find in the wild are insecure and nothing more than bloated garbage. The CMS is actually fairly secure with minimal intervention if you properly configure it on setup and maintain software updates as they continually roll out patches for vulnerabilities as they are discovered.

          If you turn off comments and the ability for new users to self-register and throw it on PHP 8.2 with a WAF and enable file write protection it’s actually very robust.

          At least when WordPress breaks you have WP-CLI to troubleshoot it

          • psion1369@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            I work for a web hosting company. So many WP sites are out of date with plugins and core. I’ve dealt with many compromised sites. Granted there are auto updates on the WP side and the hosts service, it’s still pretty often.

            • Clarke @lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              I also work for a WH. Yeah most idiots don’t do basic maintenance which is why I just rename the dir as xxx.old make a new folder install core and then delete the blank wp-content an copy over the wp-content DB and wp-config.php from the borked install. Takes 10 min rather than 30 to update and fix. I call that the “Doctor Frankenstein” method

      • joel_feila@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Mostly tge first sign is something like all old .doc files can no longer be opened. So some thing like.

      • MajorHavoc@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Regarding Twitter: yes.

        As a tech person outside Twitter, looking in: Twitter is metaphorically a huge airliner with one remaining engine, and that engine is pouring smoke.

        The clown who caused the first four engines to fail has stepped out of the pilot’s seat, but still has the ability to fire the new pilot, and still has strong convictions on how to fly a plane.

        That plane might land safely. But in the tech community, those of us fortunate not to be affected are watching with popcorn, because we expect a spectacular crash.

        If anyone reading this is still relying on Twitter - uh, my advice is to start a Mastodon account. Or Myspace or something.

        • dubble_deee@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          I can’t imagine the shit show it would be if that log4j vulnerability and software update hit Twitter in its current state. I could see shutting off all external web traffic until the overworked devs finish committing while being held up with a visa loaded gun pointed at their head.

    • LurkNoMore@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Package management is impossible. When a big enough package pushes an update the house of cards eill fall. This causes project packages with greatly outdated versions to exist in production because there is no budget to diagnose and replace packages that are no longer available when a dependency requires a change.

      Examples: adminJs or admin bro… one of them. Switched the package used to render rich text fields.

      React-scripts or is it create react app, I don’t recall. Back end packages no long work as is on the front end. Or something like that? On huge projects, who’s got the budget to address this to get the project up to date?

      This has to be a world wide thing. There is way to many moving targets for every company to have all packages up to date.

      It’s only a matter of time before an exploit of some sort is found and who knows what happens from there.

      • AlexWIWA@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        That’s basically what happened with log4j or whatever that java bug was a few years ago. A lot of things still haven’t been patched.

    • StereoTrespasser@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      As an everyday user of software who’s not a developer, this is not a secret. Nothing works well for any extended period of time.

      • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Because it fit into an ecosystem of tech that is constantly evolving. Software as a whole evolves more quickly than most tech. You see the same effect in every other branch of engineering but just slower.

        Example: They are having problems rebuilding a certain famous church in Europe that burned down because the trees that went into it are now all smaller. They can’t get a replacement part.

        I just dealt with this about a month ago at work. A customer machine died and they wanted “an exact replacement”. I explained to sales that is all I need to hear to know this project is going to be a disaster. Parts go out of stock, the network stuff is not as backwards compatible as people think it is, and standards change. They went over my head and demanded the same machine. I get daily emails from our fabricators about the problems they are having. Engineering is not a once and done thing. You need to have the staff and resources to continue to make your product match up with the environment it is in.

  • ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
    10 months ago

    I used to be a funeral director. The majority of outsiders were unaware of pretty much everything we did. Often on purpose because thinking of death is uncomfortable.

    The biggest “secret” is probably that the modern funeral was invented by companies the same way diamond engagement rings were. For thousands of years the only people who had public funerals were rich and famous. It was the death of Abraham Lincoln that sparked the funeral industry to sell “famous people funerals at a reasonable price”. You too could give your loved one a presidential send off! The funeral industry still plays into this hard, and I’ve found many people are simply guilt tripped by society to have a public funeral.

    • Dasnap@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Donate my body to the worst medical student in the collage college. I’ll definitely be an F level carcass.

      • medgremlin@lemmy.sdf.org
        10 months ago

        I did my cadaver dissection last year in medical school, and you’ll probably be a better cadaver than you think. The worst one to deal with in the class was in the tank next to ours. The cadaver was 102 years old at time of death without a scrap of fat anywhere. The muscles dried out and fell apart almost immediately on dissection, and started growing mold over the winter break. The lab manager had to keep removing portions of the cadaver to try to limit the spread of the mold until all that group was left with was a head in a bucket of formaldehyde. The head, neck, and brain were the last dissections we did, so it worked out okay-ish, but I will never forget the absurdity of them ending up like a Futurama president.

          • medgremlin@lemmy.sdf.org
            10 months ago

            If they are very lean, yeah, it can be a problem. Having a bit of adipose to absorb some of the formaldehyde and retain some moisture helps to keep the tissues from drying out. Once the body tissues dry out, they’re basically mummified and dissecting them would be about as useful and easy as dissecting jerky.

        • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          For no reason whatsoever: if you received an email, activated by a dead man’s switch, that told you that the body coming in next buried treasure which you could find by solving a series of riddles, the first of which is respond to the email with what gum flavor was swallowed last, would you?

      • Joker@discuss.tchncs.de
        10 months ago

        LMAO! This comment is so much better because you misspelled college. Made my day. 😂😂😂

      • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        My wife knows my wishes. My body is to be donated to the medical school of my university. If nothing else I get to help train the next generation of doctors plus my dead leaking asshole will shit on my university. Chaotic Neutral ftw.

        In terms of funeral service I told her that she should do whatever she wants to mourn since I won’t be there it doesn’t matter to me. Knowing her it will be a traditional service from her homeland.

    • Hazdaz@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      You didn’t talk about how coffins are sold for many thousands of dollars when they are just cheap plywood boxes that shouldn’t cost more than a hundred bucks and that serve no purpose other than to decay as quickly as possible.

      • ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        While I do think expensive caskets are a waste of money, they’re actually one of the least marked up products sold at a funeral home! Typically, caskets and urns are sold for twice what they’re bought for wholesale. This is mostly because anyone can sell caskets and urns so they can’t have ridiculous markups or people will go elsewhere for them. Urns for example are almost always bought off Amazon instead of at a funeral home.

        The products with the highest markups were insurance based. Estate Fraud insurance (if someone steals the dead person’s identity, the insurance company will pay any costs involved in correcting it) and Travel insurance (if you die on vacation, the insurance company will pay any costs involved in bringing the body home). Both of these insurance policies had real costs of about $10 or $20. They’re often sold for $300 to $500.

      • RaoulDook@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        That’s what keeps the hit show “Coffin Flop” on the air, as long as CornCob TV is able to broadcast. Just clip after clip of naked dead bodies busting out of shit wood and hitting pavement.

    • LillyPip@lemmy.ca
      10 months ago

      Not so fun story:

      One of my first jobs when I was barely 18 was with one of the big funeral home/cemetery providers in the US. It was positively horrible, and not for the reasons most people think.

      As a new hire, you’d start on the cold-calling phone banks, which was bad enough. Nobody wants a cold marketing call from a cemetery. But it got worse from there.

      After a month on the phone bank, I’d done well enough to be promoted to field sales, which meant going to the most impoverished areas of town to follow up on the appointments the phone bank had made, basically trying to scare poor elderly people into handing over what little they had to ‘pre-plan’ for their deaths, with the pitch that if they didn’t, their family would suffer.

      After a few appointments it was clear I didn’t have the stomach for that, so they moved me to on-site sales, which was somehow worse.

      On-site sales included helping to host the Mother’s Day open house at the large main cemetery. They set up a greeting station at the entrance with refreshments and ‘in memorium’ wreaths that could be bought by bereaved family (on that day, mostly children of the deceased, but also mothers who had lost their children, some at a very young age). It sounds like a kind thing to do, because many young mothers/fathers coming to visit were so distraught, they hadn’t stopped for coffee or thought about flowers.

      I was not stationed at the welcome station. I was a ‘roamer’, meaning I was one of several staff expected to meander through the graves and check on families graveside – to ask if they needed anything and to upsell them pre-planning packages for themselves or their other children. I am not kidding, we were expected to do that.

      I had to be prodded to approach my first mark (a young couple ‘celebrating’ the woman’s first Mother’s Day at the grave of her several months old child, and I couldn’t stomach it. It felt barbaric, to even try to sell someone who could not stop crying at the grave of her young child. I couldn’t do the pitch, obviously, and backed out as soon as possible, then hid by the skips behind the main building until the end of the day when I quit.

      I’ve done many jobs in my life, including cleaning bowling alley toilets, but I’ve never been asked to do anything as vile.

      I’ll bet everyone in the funeral industry can guess which company I’m talking about.

      • ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        I also had the pleasure of working for Service Corporation International. Thankfully solicitation of funeral services is banned in Ontario, Canada. So no cold calling or bugging people at cemeteries. Their way around it was to hold seminars about Last Wills at places like retirement homes. If someone had a funeral related question the staff would get them to sign a form agreeing to a phone call or visit from a sales person.

        The pre-arrangement sales people were all on commission and it made them very pushy. The pitches were so manipulative I couldn’t listen to them. Our government is throwing around the idea of banning commissioned sales in funeral services as well because of it. Some other Canadian provinces have already banned it.

        • LillyPip@lemmy.ca
          10 months ago

          Their practices are so scummy, I’m surprised they’re still allowed to operate at all in Canada. Glad they can’t do their worst in Ontario, that’s a small win.

          You’re right about their abhorrent manipulation – I still have binders in storage from my sales training; I should dig them up and post some of it. It’s still, 35 years later, the most disgusting emotional manipulation I’ve ever seen. After all these years, it’s only got worse in the US from what I hear.

          You were supposed to ask them to relive their most recent familial death experience under the guise of polite conversation, then hone in on whatever detail was the most unpleasant, and hammer home how if they didn’t buy a package, their children would go through worse. Have they considered how much emotional and financial pain they would cause if, god forbid, they died tomorrow? Don’t take time to think about the money you don’t have, because every hour of delay raises the chances your kids will be left with a financial mess when they’re grieving you. You’re basically heartless for doing that to them.

          The graveside pitch was even worse. It’s so sad you lost your baby last month, but what if your six-year-old died tomorrow? Are you prepared for that? Like jesus, I can’t imagine the paranoia a grieving family faces after losing one child, constantly afraid for their remaining child. Let’s rub salt in that wound and scare the shit out of them for a few thousand dollars. It should be illegal everywhere.

    • merc@sh.itjust.works
      10 months ago

      What do you mean by “public funeral”? What’s the alternative? It sounds like you’d consider an event with only friends and family where there was a coffin in a room to be a “public funeral”. That seems to be what most people have, but it isn’t very public. Is a non-public funeral one where the family makes the coffin themselves and there’s no event where people see the dead person and the coffin?

      • ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        The minimal services are essentially transportation, government documentation, and disposition (cremation, burial, entombment, etc). Some funeral homes won’t charge for a private viewing by immediate family, some charge a small fee. Typically there’s a cap on number of people and amount of time, something like 10 people total for 30 minutes.

        Anything more than that will require you pay thousands of dollars extra. Hours of receiving guests, a published obituary, a mass or ceremony, musicians, clergy/celebrants, reception. All of those are pushed as “traditional” or expected but they’re incredibly expensive.

    10 months ago

    How online ads actually work.

    Very simplified TLDR: you visit a news site. They load an ad network and tell it “put ads here, here and here”.

    The ad network now tells 300 companies (seriously, look at the details of some cookie consent dialogs) that you visited that news site so they can bid for the right to shove an ad in your face.

    One of them goes “I know this guy, they’re an easy mark for scams according to my tracking, I’ll pay you 0.3 cents to shove this ad in their face”. Someone else yells “I know this guy, he looked at toasters last week, I want to pay 0.2 cents to show him toaster ads just in case he hasn’t bought one yet.”

    The others bid less, so that scam ad gets shoved in your face.

    That’s extremely simplified of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_bidding has a bit more of an explanation.

    • drekly@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      And how you’re tracked online. I’ve worked on Google ads accounts every day for a decade and I don’t see you,the user, and your data.

      I just click “female, 50+, likes home decor, uses a phone” and then a little business I work with bids 10% extra on you because they think you might be interested in their new autumn wreaths they’re super proud of, and Google think you fit that box I ticked.

      And that’s advanced marketing for most businesses. Most businesses won’t even get into the audience side of things and they’ll stick to keywords: they’ll show you an ad because you searched for “autumn home decor” and that’s all.

      Google take advantage of most advertisers by saying "let us be in charge of your keywords, and how much money you spend, our AI is smarter than you and you don’t have time!"And most businesses just use the automatic stuff because they don’t understand it, and it’s true, they don’t have time… so then Google takes your “autumn wreath” keyword and shows your ads to someone looking for “Christmas trees”, because they’re both seasons and they’re both plant related, right?

      And then the small business gets charged $1 by Google to show their autumnal page to someone who wasn’t interested and left right away.

      My job is to help these businesses actually make an advertising account that doesn’t fall for all these little bear traps that Google sets all over their ads interface. They weren’t there 7 years ago, but things have been getting worse and worse. Including third party sales companies like regalix, hired by Google to constantly call you and telling you to trust the automation and spend more.

      • applebusch@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        It’s fascinating that the enshittification is taking place on both ends of Google. I would have thought that the slow bastardization of search was for the benefit of advertizers but it’s bad for everyone except Google.

        • SokathHisEyesOpen@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          It’s very frustrating watching it happen as someone who is old enough to remember when it wasn’t always this way. It used to be common business knowledge that if you help your customers, then your business will grow, and you’ll be successful. But now these companies are so enormous, with such little competition, that their philosophy is “squeeze everyone until they’re dead and then squeeze the new people who are forced to walk into your lair”. It’s not just the enshitification of the Internet, or the consumer market. These are companies that provide products and services so intertwined with our lives that it has become enshitification of the world, our very lives.

          • drekly@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            You’re absolutely right. From this side of the fence, Google are clearly focused on short term profits above all else. They used to run on the fact they could make you a profit easily, now they run on “you have no choice!”

            • bemenaker@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              Thats the entire world anymore. Everyone wants to make wall street happy, and those assholes are more addicted to money than cocaine. There is no long term planning anymore, everything is next quarter’s profits. It is what is killing capitalism, short term greed.

              Rolling Stone published a great article a few years back from a former trader, talked about how he got out of college, was super happy when he got his first bonus worth $100K. A few years later, he was mad, lividly pissed, his bonus was on a couple million, and not more.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        Google used to have really robust tools for keyword research. They were even useful for finding overlooked niche subjects that paid well as an AdSense publisher. But as far as I can tell, they’ve completely removed those tools, instead pushing ignorance and “trust us” messages.

        • drekly@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          They still have a relatively good keyword research tool within the Google Ads interface, but I think I recall the stats are nuked unless you’re actively paying money for an ads account.

      • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
        10 months ago

        The ad categories offered by various companies vary and I think adsense is nowhere near the closest-targetable network there is.

        Try showing an ad to only Python software developers. Not IT repair shops. Not software developers writing exclusively C. I think you may be able to do that with keyword targeting on AdWords, once you avoid the bear traps you mentioned, but it’s hard.

        OTOH, I bet there are ad companies that will help you target “30-40 years, single, lonely” for dating ads (that might be possible even with adsense), and definitely people with specific diseases to peddle medicine to them.

        Occasionally someone posts a list of categories used by one or multiple networks and they can be the most specific, or far too broad (see: python dev).

        I’m extremely surprised that I haven’t seen ad companies offering specifically to advertise to people working at specific companies. I’m sure it exists, just haven’t seen it. This would be incredibly valuable both for job ads, industry specific ads (this would benefit from breaking down by department), and also criminals and spies trying to get people from specific companies infected with malware.

        What’s also important to understand is that these categories don’t need to be accurate. “This person has a 80% chance to be in category X” is more than good enough. Hell, 10% would probably already work.

        The right ads pay really well. A life insurance click can be worth tens of dollars, because the conversion is worth thousands. So if there is a 10% chance you’re interested in buying life insurance, bombarding you with those ads makes sense.

        • drekly@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Absolutely, I always thought Google ads categories were a little creepy… until I saw the Facebook categories, they’re a lot more invasive and detailed.!

          Yeah for Python devs it’ll be targeting keywords, with bonus points for certain demographics. I don’t think we get categories that detailed. I’ll have a look when I’m in the office tomorrow 😅

          It’s very rare that I would target anything other than keywords, as it’s pointless being so broad that you show to someone who’s uninterested, it wastes everyone’s time and money.

          For me, the categories are just there to A) watch, and see if there are any interesting correlations (weirdly the people who most click the autumnal home decor are also into extreme sports?!) And to B) say you’ll pay a percentage extra for people with relevant interests ( like, apparently extreme sports)

      • BilboBallbins@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        I’m managing a Google ad campaign for a non profit with a budget of a few hundred dollars a month. I came up with some keywords but have been using their automated stuff too. If you could suggest one thing I can do to improve what would it be?

        • WndyLady@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          Has the nonprofit applied for the Google Ad grant? Worth looking into it, if not.

          • drekly@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Definitely this, but it does limit your targeting options. But it’s not so bad if your sole goal is brand awareness, as it’s all paid for you.

      • merc@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        Google also has the world convinced that because they collect mountains of data on everyone, that their ad targeting is superhuman. They want people to believe that they know people so well that they can show someone an ad for something they want before they even know they want it.

        Meanwhile, I lived in a country where I didn’t speak one of the local languages, and every Google ad I saw was in that local language. The ads were 100% wasted because I had no idea what they were even advertising. This is despite my constant visiting English-only webpages, despite my browser settings saying which languages I spoke, and so-on.

        If Google can’t even be bothered to track what language to use for the ad, their ad tech is clearly worse than slapping a generic ad next to a newspaper article then printing up a million newspapers.

      • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
        10 months ago

        It’s a good start but you absolutely want in-browser ad blockers too. Not all crap is served from dedicated garbage serving hostnames.

        • nebulaone@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          I recommend: LibreWolf + uBlock Origin for Desktop PCs and Mull + uBlock Origin for Android. Both web browsers are security hardened versions of Firefox.

      • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
        10 months ago

        My guess is that it’s a couple watts while you’re actively using the internet, mostly due to the extra CPU load a few bad ads cause when they’re on your screen. Without having done the math I expect all the servers, data transfer etc. to be negligible, on a per-user basis, because they serve so many users.

        That’s another interesting thing btw. Most of the “internet thing X uses Y amount of electricity” are utter bullshit and massively exaggerating. What uses most power on desktop/TV is the screen. The second biggest consumer is likely your router (which is on whether you use it or not, but the studies usually ascribe all of the standby usage to your active usage - this makes sense if you try to look at “how much CO2 does all our digital stuff including ‘having an Internet connection’ cause” but not if you’re trying to look at “how much extra CO2 does activity X cause, assuming I already have an internet connection because I’m not gonna live in a cave”).

          • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
            10 months ago

            The server uses a kilowatt of power or more (most of it in the CPU). But if the server is serving 1000 active users concurrently, and only 5% of the time you spend online is spent fetching ads, 20000 people staring at their screens get their ads from let’s say 2 kW of server power usage, plus another 2 kW for all the equipment to get the data there… for a total of 0.4 watts per user.

            These are completely eyeballed numbers, and could easily be off by an order of magnitude.

            But your on premise gear (screen, computer, router) are likely by far the biggest factor.

            One easy way to cross-check power usage claims is cost. It will only catch the most egregious bullshit, but it’s easy. A random page I found claims that “According to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy it takes 5.12 kWh of electricity per gigabyte of transferred data.”

            A Steam game with 50 GB would thus consume 256 kWh. Even if your 300 watt idle gaming rig, 50 Watt Router and 150 watt screen to watch the progress bar spends 2 hours downloading that, that’s 1 kWh. Even at 8 cents per kWh, that means just downloading the game would cost someone (not you) over $20. Do you think steam would let you delete and redownload that game that you bought on sale for $10 as much as you want if between them and your ISP someone had to pay for $20 just in electricity, each time? Not the game rights, not the servers, not the connection, just power.

          • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Keep in mind, one of the reasons we use data centers because cooling one big room of computers is cheaper than cooling 200 small rooms with computers.

    • TechyDad@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I’d be interested in finding out why some of the ads I see (mostly in Android games I play where I voluntarily watch the ads for in game rewards) are so badly matched to me. I’ll get ads in Spanish when I only speak English. I’ll get ads for dating sites when I’ve been married for over 20 years.

      Very few of the ads seem to be anything I’d even remotely consider. Not that I mind too much. I ignore the ads (sometimes even muting them) and do other things until they stop playing and I can get my rewards. Still, those very mismatched ads seem to be badly placed. Is it just that nobody else is bidding for this ad spot so “let’s play this Spanish ad for toilet paper” wins the rights to advertise to me?

      • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
        10 months ago

        That’s one possibility. It’s also possible that you have decent privacy settings keeping them from knowing too much about you, or they simply use a shitty ad network that’s bad at targeting. Even the major ones are impressively bad.

        There also aren’t many advertisers interested in these ad slots since they know people watch them only for the reward, and games are also a frequent source of ad fraud (I think), so serious advertisers avoid them.

        Also, mobile gamers are likely not the most attractive audience for the high paying stuff.

      • drekly@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        It’s usually terrible advertisers. They’ve got their account set to show to everyone in a super broad range. Like “uses a phone, under 50, in country X” and that’s all they’re going by.

        This is combined with Google’s shitty “we’ll tell you how much to spend and who to spend it on, trust us!” Automation and dark patterns, which just spaffs all your money in places you don’t want to. Such as mobile apps! Which used to be one click to disable but now its 200+! Or location, which now defaults to “people who have shown interest in your country” when it used to just show ads to people in the country. Or keyword matching which used to be a lot more strict, but now they keep broadening things. (One headphone company we worked with spent thousands on “telephone” keywords, that they never entered into their account)

      • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I am a fairly liberal militant atheist and nearly all my political ads are for hard right stuff. I have concerns about the future when people start wondering what exactly they are paying for in terms of ads vs sales. Trying to sell me on Epoch Times or Prague-U is like trying to selling red meat to vegans.

    • JackbyDev@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      I heard that (at least on YouTube) it isn’t only how high people bid but how likely someone is to click on your ad. Like if you have an ad they’re likely to click on you may get shown even if you bid less. You probably know more about it, I’m just sharing this because it sounded fascinating when I heard about it.

      • SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT@feddit.de
        10 months ago

        Those are different models. Ads can be sold pay per view, pay per click, or even pay per conversion (the store reports when the customer buys something and only pays for that).

        These can be converted by multiplying with the estimated probabilities. For example, if the scammer is willing to pay $1 for the click, and the probability that the user will click is estimated to be one-in-500, the view would be worth 0.2 cents.

        If the scammer is willing to pay $20 for the conversion (because it means they successfully scammed someone out of $30), they’d need to succeed scamming one in 20 users that clicked for this to work out.

        Works the same for legit businesses of course, where the business will consider total lifetime value (not just the current sale - you might also subscribe to something and keep paying for 2 years, or come back to buy again). Advertising / customer acquisition costs are a huge part of many businesses, which is why running online ad platforms is so obscenely profitable.

        In this case, I don’t know who in the chain will do the conversion - if the bid will be for a click and the ad platform will estimate how likely you are to click, or if the bidder makes the guess and bids based on that. The bidder in this case would be another ad platform of course, acting on behalf of the actual advertiser, and nobody in this “ecosystem” trusts each other. It’s full of companies trying to scam each other or companies offering services to validate that the data someone is feeding you is real.

  • ToppestOfDogs@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Inside almost every arcade cabinet is a Dell Optiplex running Windows 7, or 10 if its really recent. There’s no such thing as an arcade board anymore, they’re all Dells, or sometimes those HP mini PCs, usually with the protective plastic still on.

    Daytona even uses a Raspberry Pi to control the second screen. SEGA intentionally ships those with no-brand SD cards that consistently fail after 3 months. It’s in their agreement that you’ll buy another card from them instead of just flashing the image onto an SD card that won’t break.

    The Mario Kart arcade cabinet uses a webcam called the “Nam-Cam” that is mounted in a chamber with no ventilation, which causes it to overheat and die every few months, so of course you’ll have to replace those too. The game will refuse to boot without a working camera.

    Oh yeah also all arcade games with prizes are rigged. All of them. We literally have a setting that determines how often the game will allow wins.

    • Dasnap@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      The past decade of the tech industry has felt very snakeoil-y.

      INB4 “It always has been.”

      • ourob@discuss.tchncs.de
        10 months ago

        If you’re good at building hype and have some connections, you can attract all sorts of investors hoping to get in on the ground floor of the next big thing.

        Dan Olsen’s NFT video from a year ago summed it up well, I think (link). People with money to invest today want to repeat the insane growth in wealth brought about by computers, the internet, social media, etc. So they will basically gamble on any new ideas that have an air of plausibility to kick off the next boom.

      • jubilationtcornpone@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        What’s sad is there are plenty of actual problems out there that could be solved with software. Most of the time they’re not that ‘sexy’ and management is so blinded by greed that they throw away all the good opportunities.

    • Hazdaz@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      It is kind of hilarious that airplanes are seen as being safe and reliable, when if they were given the same factor of safety as most other consumer goods, they’d never get off the ground from being too heavy.

      I do NOT recommend you do this, but if a ladder says it is designed for 300 lbs, then it should carry 1200 lbs. 4X is a fairly common factor of safety for things like ladders where people’s lives are in jeopardy. Most other items are usually 2X. (I want to point out that there are qualifications to this… static loading and dynamic loading are totally different things. Also a simple point load is not the same as a cantilevered loading condition. A new piece of equipment is not the same as one abused on the job for the last 10 years. All these things will dramatically affect safety ratings for things)

      • merc@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        I’d say the difference is that every single part of an airline is carefully rated though. Everything that’s supplied for use on an airline is expensive because of all the regulations.

        A ladder may be rated for 1200 pounds, but nobody inspects every single use-case for that ladder and ensures that the entire system always has 4x safety. Once you buy the ladder it’s up to you what you lean it up against, etc.

        • Hazdaz@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Regulations and quality checks on aerospace parts is no joke. More so on stuff that goes out into space and on military hardware, but every single nut and bolt and everything in between can be traced back to a supplier and that supplier will be able to tell you when it was made, by who and even where the raw material came from and show you the certs. Regular airplanes not nearly as strict or as much paperwork, but it isn’t that far behind, quite honestly.

          Also, you might be surprised by the testing that ladders go through. Not so much the cheapo Chinesium stuff, but safety in all fields is no joke. It is too costly to skimp on testing.

    • yamanii@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Works fine in Brazil, shit is audited every single year by universities and other especialists, only rightoids scream that it’s bad and only when they lose.

  • Wolf Link 🐺@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Supermarket employee here. We have a “fresh” fish counter selling stuff like whole mackerels and raw salmon fillets and the like.

    Each and every one of these has been frozen at least once - this is a mandatory health hazard prevention thing (to kill off parasites etc) and also basically the only food-safe way to transport them in great quantities over long distances without them going bad. They get delivered frozen solid, get thawed behind the scenes and then put on display / on ice for customers to buy. And then they’re lying there all day long until someone happens to buy some … people still treat the pre-packaged fish from the frozen foods aisle as a second choice, even tho those have NOT been lying around half-thawed in the open air for 10 hours straight.

    Long story short, “fresh” fish from the counter is less fresh than the frozen stuff, despite customers commonly believing it to be the other way around.

  • Art35ian@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I’ve worked with massive customer databases of over a million people multiple times in jobs I’ve had. And while each company has spent tens-of-thousands of dollars in cyber security to protect that data from outside hackers, none have given any fucks at all about who accessed it internally or what they do with it.

    I’ve literally exported the entire customer database in two different jobs, dropped the CSV into my personal Google Drive (from my work computer), and worked entire databases at home.

    No one has ever known I’ve done it, cared, or checked if I have any customer personal data when I quit.

    • agent_flounder@lemmy.one
      10 months ago

      Sounds like the company doesn’t have a clue about cyber security then. Tens of thousands is a piddling infosec budget for anything but a tiny company. Also, Insider threats, malicious or otherwise, should always be on an infosec professional’s radar.

      Companies not giving a shit about cyber security is probably not a secret but it is still pretty common, I think, so nobody should be surprised when there are major breaches.

      Infosec is usually seen as an expense that cuts into profits. Assuming top level management and the board give a shit about security that’s great but often the risk isn’t fully appreciated at the top or is managed poorly.

      Adequate infosec requires a company to have very mature processes across the board in IT (and likely beyond). C-level “buy in” isn’t enough. If the C level management and board doesn’t actively demand it, infosec will lose out to myriad other priorities every time.

      The big tell is the org structure. If the CISO reports to the CEO, great. If they’re reporting to the CIO, CFO, etc., that can cause conflicts of interest. It can still work. If there is no CISO or they are the same person as the CIO, or if infosec reports several levels down in the org–beware!

      • limelight79@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        Yeah, if I did what he did, I’d be in jail. I would be caught quickly.

        There are only a few ways to get immediately fired from my employer, and that’s one of them.

        • agent_flounder@lemmy.one
          10 months ago

          This exact scenario is in our annual training. Also I wouldn’t be able to in the first place because we block those kinds of sites. Even if we didn’t they would likely detect it and come a-knocking lol.

    • lud@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      That sounds highly illegal depending on what’s on the databases.

    • xpinchx@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Lol same here. Some for ecomm, but the most egregious was underwriting PPP loans. There was a database none of us could access after the loans were underwritten and sent to processing. But most of those documents came in thru the portal and we had to download that package and combine it with anything we got in email… Tax forms, IDs, and all the most sensitive personal info as a lot of businesses that applied were sole proprietors. All those documents say on my local HDD and I catalogued them in case they were needed again.

      None of that was handled securely, it was on my home network with no VPN, and after the project was over very suddenly I sat on that laptop for 6 months until they sent a return label. I was a good worker but it was a mass hire and not a lot of vetting that happened.

  • rmuk@feddit.uk
    10 months ago

    Outsourced IT provider here:

    90% of businesses have basically zero IT security. Leaked passwords in regular use and no process or verification for password resets. As soon as someone complains that 2FA or password rotation is difficult it gets dropped. Virtually all company data is stored on USB keys, plaintext hard drives and on staff’s personal home devices.

    The reason they’re not constantly having their data stolen is because no-one cares about the companies either.

  • Elderos@lemmings.world
    10 months ago

    I have worked in the gaming industry and let me tell you that in some game studios most of the people involved in making the games are not gamers themselves.

    Lots of programmers and artists don’t really care about the final game, they only care about their little part.

    Game designers and UX designers are often clueless and lacking in gaming experience. Some of the mistakes they make could be avoided by asking literaly anyone who play games.

    Investors and publishers often know very little to almost nothing about gameplay and technology and will rely purely on aesthetic and story.

    You have entire games being made top to bottom where not a single employee gave a fuck, from the executives to the programmers. Those games are made by checking a serie of checkboses on a plan and shipped asap.

    This is why you have some indie devs kicking big studio butts with sometime less than 1% the ressources.

    Afaik even in other “similar” industry (e.g filmmaking) you expect the director, producers and distributors to have a decent level of knowledge of the challenges of making a movie. In the video game industry everyone seems a bit clueless, and risk is mitigated by hiring large teams, and by shipping lots of games quickly.

  • Hanabie@sh.itjust.works
    10 months ago

    Many European language versions of anime and games are being localized not by translating the original Japanese, but the English.

    Lots of translators also seem to use Google or DeepL, which makes the issue even worse.

    The English language version often don’t even translate, they write their own version, calling it “creative liberty”. This leads to a completely different version than what was intended, with others, such as the German or Spanish version, being even further from the original.

    That’s why claims of people of having “learnt Japanese from anime” are dubious in the best of cases.

    Source: Am Japanese, working in game translation in Tokyo. I’m also trilingual, which makes it even worse to watch this. Ignorance is bliss.

      • Jackie's Fridge@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        IIRC they did this with Crayon Shin-Chan since a bunch of that show’s humour was based on cultural nuances and taboos that simply wouldn’t translate outside of Japan.

    • RamSwamson@lemmy.sdf.org
      10 months ago

      Well that just sucks. So if you’re a die hard fan of [anime name] and happen to be European how would you find something close to the source material?

      I noticed that “creative liberty” first with the Dragonball series. I grew up watching the dubbed versions then one day discovered a little import store that sold tapes of the series with the original dialogue subtitled into English. There were a noticeable amount of differences in the story and it was slightly mind blowing to me at the time.

      • ayaya@lemdro.id
        10 months ago

        It’s not exactly what you’re looking for but the website https://animelon.com lets you use English and Japanese subtitles at the same time. And you can look at definitions of individual words. It is probably only useful if you are beyond a beginner level though.

        I think using Japanese subtitles would be the way to go in general assuming you can read them but have trouble with listening.

        • RangerAndTheCat@startrek.website
          10 months ago

          So I’m old as fuck… did the horriblesubs scene die? They were a bunch of die hard fans encoding subs with direct translations. I appreciated them so much for Knocking on Heavens Door and the complete Cowboy Bebop series 🥹

          • ayaya@lemdro.id
            10 months ago

            All HorribleSubs did was rip directly from Crunchyroll, they didn’t do any encoding or translations themselves. And yes they shutdown a few years ago but were immediately replaced by SubsPlease who do the same thing.

      • Hanabie@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        I don’t think it’s possible to get close to the original other than learning the original source language. I’d think this goes for English books/movies translated to Japanese, too.

    • x4740N@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I’m currently learning Japanese at the moment and if I could tell my younger self that it’s stupidity learn Japanese from English substitutes then I would

      • thisbenzingring@lemmy.sdf.org
        10 months ago

        One of my friends who is really good at learning languages watches a lot of crappy daytime TV in the language they are trying to learn. He tells me that those shows present a lot of bullshit situations that you can understand with your eyes while you can try and put together with the dialog. I have heard of more then one person learning english by watching TV game shows

        • sonnenzeit@feddit.de
          10 months ago

          Printed comics (in native language are also really good), paticularly those aimed at a younger audience (think Walt Disney classics like Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck). The phrases are usually short and use everyday language. The graphical design (colors, postures, framing, fonts, panel alignment, etc) are all in support of conveying the action.

      • Hanabie@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        I’m sorry, I don’t have any recommendations. Maybe there are useful communities for this on Lemmy?

      • merc@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago
        1. Be very young
        2. Be so young that you don’t understand you’re learning a language, you’re just making sounds with grandma
        3. Be exposed to unique sounds like the German “ü”, the French “r” and the Dutch “ch” and try to imitate them when you’re 3 years old and your brain, tongue and throat are still flexible

        If you’ve fucked up 1 to 3, plug away at it for a long time, then at some point, before you think you’re ready, live somewhere where you’ll have no choice but to use that language.

    • sonnenzeit@feddit.de
      10 months ago

      Shout out to Banjo Kazooie, an older platformer from the Nintendo 64 game era, where the antagonist always speaks in silly rhymes. So the translators needed to translate and also make it rhyme while also keeping the context and humor intact. They took creative freedom of course because there simply isn’t a good match but it actually enhances the game in a way. So if you played the game in French before and now switch to English you’ll get a fresh set of jokes and rhymes.

    • Langoddsen@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      This also applies to a lot of subtitling in general. Shows that are in a different language than English are usually first translated into English, and then that file is used as a template for the other languages it’s translated into. It’s easier and cheaper.

    • kratoz29@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Also using AI to translate and companies firing real translators because of this bro ☠️

      RIP proper translations.

      • yamanii@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        At least dlsite is being open about it, if the game has an AI translation, that translation is always free and tagged as AI.

    • merc@sh.itjust.works
      10 months ago

      Proper translation is really, really hard, especially for something like Anime.

      Not only do you have to get across the same message in a language that works completely differently, you have to time what’s being said so it matches the timing from the original language. And then there’s the fact that there are many cultural differences. If you just translate the words, sometimes the meaning doesn’t make sense to the new audience because what’s happening relies on a cultural understanding that’s different.

      Too much “creative liberty” is a problem, but it’s just as bad to get rid of it entirely. That’s why it’s so refreshing when someone makes the effort to do it right. Doing it right is really hard and takes a long time. It’s often a labor of love because doing it acceptably well is much faster and normally pays the same.

      • Hanabie@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        Absolutely. The problem arises when the source material then gets translated from English, which already suffers from losing nuances.

        It’s also often debatable if something counts as liberty or is really a lazy shortcut, when it’s clear that something could have been done in better ways.

  • I'm back on my BS 🤪@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Private mental health providers in the US are pretty unsupervised and have a conflict of interest in that they make more money by keeping their patients/clients unwell, which can lead to negligence and abuse. The only thing keeping in line is the possibility of someone informed and insightful enough to report them to the licensing board or pressing a lawsuit.

    For example, if a provider has poor integrity, it is in their best interest to not treat depression, but rather help the patient/client feel good for the moment. What the patient/client experiences is that they feel better when they see their provider, so they become dependent on their provider. This ensures the provider a reliable source of revenue.

    Another issue is that masters level therapists, while capable of providing treatment for simple cases such as a clear depressive episode, are not properly trained to conduct thorough assessments for complex cases, meaning they can misdiagnose quite easily. Complex cases would be better treated by a well-trained psychologist that can conduct thorough psychometric assessments that are quite sophisticated and take lots of time to analyze. These services are costly and the vast majority of insurance policies won’t cover them.

    Relevantly, yet another issue is insurance for mental health. Most insurance policies that pay for mental health services pay low, so the care you receive can be substandard since the more effective providers are charging what they’re worth in a market economy. One example that comes to mind is Better Help. They pay providers insultingly low, like around $30/hour, while effective providers are charging ~$150/hr out-of-pocket. That means that when someone uses Better Help to obtain care, they’re getting the bottom of the barrel therapist.

    Lastly, the majority of family and marriage therapists aren’t properly trained in narcissistic emotional abuse. This can mean that therapy would not only be a waste of time, but can make things much worse as they can help the narcissist abuse the victim even further. Narcissistic abuse is quite complicated and requires a relationship therapist that specializes in that to properly assess and help the victim escape.

    Tips: If you have been seeing a therapist for 12 sessions, and you haven’t realized any considerable long-term changes, find another therapist. Also, if your therapist doesn’t call you out on your bullshit, let’s you ramble about tangential matters, or focuses on helping you overcome specific weekly struggles, rather than helping you develop skills and restructure deep cognitive matters to address them yourself, find another therapist. An effective therapist would develop a clear treatment plan with you that aims to meet objectively measurable goals within a certain time frame.

    Note: I am not a therapist. I have just worked in the mental health field and have friends that are therapists.

    • SCB@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      An effective therapist would develop a clear treatment plan with you that aims to meet objectively measurable goals within a certain time frame.

      This is a great point and true for non-therapists as well. A good measure of whether or not someone helping you is providing you value is if you are progressively improving in measurable ways.

      True for doctors, meds, physical therapists, coaches, you name it

      • uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        10 months ago

        Part of the problem with this is no clear treatment plan works consistently for everybody. Insanity is as diverse as cancer, and even the DSM is used as a rough guess as to what is going on, based on what mix-and-match set of symptoms.

        Each psych med takes a month to start, get stabilized and see if that’s an improvement. If it doesn’t work right (typical) then the options are to add another drug (and then more drugs to counter side-effects) and test it as a cocktail, or get the patient off the first drug (usually two weeks to get sober, during which they’re symptomatic) and another month to start something new. I went through over a dozen SSRI combinations and for a while had to settle on a cocktail that wasn’t terrible and was slightly less bad than going sober.

        Then there’s a matter that we often cannot escape the toxic situations we’re in, whether we can’t move out of a situation with contentious roommates or are working for a company with cruel middle management and scary toilets and stinks of insecticide. I’d think any physician might argue that someone with a lung condition should be moved out of the moldy house they live in, but when it comes to environments that are psychologically unhealthy, we’re all expected to just deal.

        And this informs my job in the psychiatric sector which is as a peer councilor. When patients are stressed out and their professionals aren’t doing it for them, they come to me, and the first think I ask is are you safe? Most of the time, they are – as with the rest of the US population – in precarity, sometimes not even knowing where their next meal is coming from or if they’ll have a place to live next week. But scary parents, scary roommates and scary bosses are also super common, and we’re not really going to be able to treat or even manage the crazy when people are fearing for their survival.

    • restingboredface@sh.itjust.works
      10 months ago

      This is very accurate. I worked 5 years in a BH Insurance company. We saw shitty providers all the time, and we were constantly having to play the game of deciding how much we (and our members) could tolerate before cutting the providers out of the network. Cutting too many providers doesn’t correct bad actors or replace providers for people who need them and can cause backlogs if other providers aren’t available to take on their patients.

      The only thing we were able to do to correct many providers by changing their pay to a value based model, so providers would get paid more for better outcomes (and sometimes only paid when patients improve). It would increase pay a lot over standard rates. But providers fought that big time. They just wanted to do things their way and cash a check of a set amount with little or no oversight.

      Better help is used by providers as a way to supplement their income, and they typically pay a bit less than conventional appointments because of the digital channels. However, Ive heard they have some issues with data security on their platform and their matching system is pretty flawed due to their network being somewhat ephemeral.

      If you do want to seek therapy, remember you have multiple ways to get it covered. Your health insurance probably has some coverage, and your employer (in the US) likely has an EAP program which will have coverage for therapy for at least a few sessions (typically 3-12) sessions. It’s worth looking into that before paying out of pocket.

    • malloc@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      One example that comes to mind is Better Help

      During the pandemic, this company was heavily advertised across Twitch. Not surprised they pay shit wages. Wonder if they originally paid 2-3X market rate during the hype, but slowly clawed back the teaser rates in favor of the dog shit rates.

      • dingus@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I heard all the bad shit about better help. But I had been interested in therapy so I tried to find a therapist from a local person instead. Found out my bill was nearly $200 a session. And since therapy isn’t something like an annual doctor visit or a twice a year dentist visit, I noped out of that.

        So I more than understand why people choose Better Help. It’s often actually affordable.

    • uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      10 months ago

      I have lifelong major depression, and got myself integrated into the mental health system of San Francisco (one of the better municipal systems available in the States). Since my insurance was government or state, it typically meant that I’d see interns for a year before they graduated and started their own practice. A friend of mine and I would joke that we were trainers in that our life drama was severe enough to convey to our trainees that life shit is real and that sometimes there are real risks (suicide, stalkers, toxic violent parents, etc.) but we personally were not likely to become a danger to ourselves or others short of natural disasters.

      I also got to crush egos because it’s not like the movies where the patient has a good cry and then is better. I’ve done a lot of crying and I’m still depressed as ever (more so as the world is literally burning, which limits my hope for a better future). I can manage my symptoms more or less, but I’m never going to be a happy self-sustaining good little citizen. And curiously, some of them see that as an end goal: You get Will Hunting to have a good cry and he’s fixed. Not so much.

      I eventually got lucky, and was able to find one of my old interns and resume with her while she was working on her PHD. I was a case in her thesis and got an ASD diagnosis out of it in my late forties (it’s not helpful yet for navigating benefits, but is useful regarding directing my own symptom management). But most of my career as a patient is spending more than half a year getting my therapist familiar with my case and then the remaining months squeezing a bit of process out of it…

      …Or just goofing off, since I absolutely have personal demons that don’t want to be closely scrutinized, so it becomes too tempting to let my therapist get distracted by details that are entertaining to them. (My history in the BDSM and my burgeoning queerness are fun topics, as are my awareness of issues like the climate crisis, the plastic crisis, the police state, the surveillance state, the transnational white power movement and its uprising and takeover – all of which were still commonly regarded as conspiracy theories / fringe hypotheses when I was in session.) Sometimes, we patients are so terrified of what our closeted shit says about us that we’re not ready to open those doors. And sometimes the therapist doesn’t want to look either, so we negotiate a diversion we can agree to distract us until later.

      I stopped going to therapy shortly before the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak and lockdown so I get to start all over again in Sacramento. Hopefully, I’ll find a permanent therapist (and a good match) early, but I suspect I’ll be back to seeing interns again.

    • AlexWIWA@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      This is why I hate that “get therapy” has become a common meme. Most therapy is a scam in the US.

  • GONADS125@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    This pertains to the US:

    A lot of people are unaware of cancelation lists, and a lot of providers don’t really advertise that. When I was a casemanager for adults with severe mental illness, I would always ask to have my clients added to the cancelation list, and this would often get them in much sooner.

    Also butted heads with a receptionist last year when my client was literally experiencing congestive heartfailure and she wanted to schedule him like 1.5 months out to see his specialist about having a defibrillator implanted. I said it was unacceptable and said he needed to be added to the emergency openings I know the providers reserve. She got a look on her face and said “But I need to get provider approval for that…” I told her “I think you better talk to the doctor then.”

    Specialist eventually came over to scheduling and asked what was going on. The receptionist said what we wanted and asked if she would approve it, with a real dismissing inflection. The specialist said “Oh my god, yeah of course he’s approved for the emergency list…”

    Some of these things are just so overlooked/unknown by the general public. And sometimes you’ve got to be assertive and stick with your guns to be treated fairly and get the attention you deserve. Especially now more than ever. Our healthcare system was bad before, but it’s been so strained ever since covid…

    The healthcare system can be a nightmare for average people functioning well. It is so much worse for the population experiencing severe mental illness/with cognitive disability. This barrier for care plays a significant role in the reduced life expectancy in the disadvantaged population I worked with.

    Patients suffering from severe mental disorders, including schizophrenia, major depression and bipolar disorders, have a reduced life expectancy compared to the general population of up to 10–25 years. This mortality gap requires urgent actions from a public health perspective in order to be reduced. Source

    If anyone reading this has family or friends with severe mental illness or trouble with intellectual functioning, you may want to offer some support for doctors appointments. Honestly, everyone would benefit from having another person in their appointments for support and as a second set of ears.

    Anyone reading this with severe mental illness, don’t be afraid to reach out for support. If you don’t have a social support system, there are services out there to help. Try to find social services in your area to get some help navigating thru all the bullshit. And don’t give up hope.

    Always like to share this website with free evidence-based resources that I used all the time with my clients. I personally benefitted from the material as well.

    • agent_flounder@lemmy.one
      10 months ago

      Reduced mental function definitely includes dementia; my mom had Parkinson’s disease and definitely needed my help and advocacy and memory.

  • droans@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Burning waste qualifies as recycling.

    I used to work for a specialty waste company. We would brag about our ability to recycle better than any of our competitors. Because we would burn most of the waste.

  • solstice@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The USA is run by unpaid 22 year old interns being supervised by underpaid 24 year olds.

    Old people in charge are definitely a problem (McConnell, Feinstein etc) but the people in their offices doing all the heavy lifting are basically children.

  • ✨Abigail Watson✨@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    10 months ago

    Accounting is a goddamn mess. There’s lots of mistakes in accounting, finance, banking, etc but we’re supposed to act to outsiders like they never happen. Publicly traded companies (US) get audited every year, but no audit company would give a paying customer a failing grade. New grads are funneled into working for public firms - the 10 or so companies that cater to the world’s audit, tax, and consulting needs. They’re supposed to teach discipline, but in reality they only teach you security theater. You’re worked to the bone until you either burn out or agree to perpetuate the system to keep your job.

    And the only reason it continues to work is society’s social contract agreeing that it has to work because we don’t have any other options. All it takes is the rumors that the idea is failing - like in the silicon valley bank run - and we’re all out of luck. With the speed of information these days all it takes is a few minutes for a situation to spiral out of control. It’s bonkers.

    I got into accounting because I enjoyed bookkeeping in high school. Now that I’m in it I refuse to work for anything larger than a mid sized, non public company.

    • at_an_angle@lemmy.one
      10 months ago

      So basically, everyone is full of bullshit and lying to keep the system working.

      Why am I not surprised?

      • Sludgeyy@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Social security would be a ponzi scheme if it wasn’t done by the government. System only works because new younger people are “convinced” to put in money to pay the old in hopes that new younger people will pay them in the future.

        The social security liability is currently 23 trillion. If no new people started paying in and everyone wanted to cash out, they couldn’t get a dime.

        We are 33 trillion dollars in debt. 33 trillion.

        If we as a country ever tried to cut spending and save money to pay that down, our economy would collapse so fast.

        • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Social security was designed to be that way, it’s not a secret or anything. It’s how the system was set up and it’s how it is supposed to work. Today’s workers fund today’s retirees.

          • merc@sh.itjust.works
            10 months ago

            Except it was built with the assumption that everyone would continue to have 2.5 kids, and skilled immigrants would keep making the US home, and the economy would keep growing and growing forever, and retirees would die off a couple of years after they retired.

            All the base assumptions on which the system were built were shaky. People are having fewer kids, so there’s less money coming in. Retirees are living longer so they need more benefits. People who paid hundreds of thousands into the system during their lifetimes are requiring millions in benefits at the end of their lives. But, people are having fewer kids and so the bottom of the pyramid is shrinking.

        • sumofchemicals@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          The government wants to carry a debt, because everyone who is owed money by the government is incentivezed to support it.

      • meseek #2982@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        Bro this is the fucking world! It’s just smoke and mirrors. Like the commercials. Everyone at McDonald’s smiling and happy and loving their job. Then look at reality.

        That’s every job, every field. It’s just held together by duct tape and bubble gum.

        • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏@lemmy.one
          10 months ago

          It’s just held together by duct tape and bubble gum.

          🔥 Hot take: Applies to the mainstream tech industry too in my eyes… an abundance of unstable implementations and hacks that can break at a moment’s notice - all prettied up with a fresh coat of paint so it “looks and feels new” to sell a new license each year or give the user a reason to keep paying that subscription. No value added whatsoever.

          Fintech, construction (Solidworks, Autodesk), media & design (Adobe CC), Microsoft (Windows, office), the whole lot

        • silentknyght@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          This here is the best comment to address the OP question. Just to be clear, I 100% agree: every job, every field is just held together by duct tape and bubble gum.

          • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Not everywhere. I work in one of those jobs (facilities management for a building with critical infrastructure) and we’re very thorough and do our jobs well.

            However, I know some of our other facilities phone it in.

            • silentknyght@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              I didn’t mean my comment or the OPs to be an aspersion on how well anyone does their job. It’s more a comment on perception vs reality. For example, look at how many people came to observe and realize how many US government operations are held together through gentlemen’s agreements (aka duct tape and chewing gum) that Trump was able to dismantle simply by not agreeing.

              • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                Ah, I see what you mean. If my coworkers and I suddenly decided to stop giving a shit, there’s not much that would prevent that as long as we don’t let it get too bad. A lot runs on trust.

                Our company has mechanisms to try to force us to do a good job, but that just means working towards the metrics rather than the spirit of our job. Often doing our job well means knowing when to ignore the red tape.

                So I think you’re right, the whole world runs that way, it’s an intractable problem.

          • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            There is an open joke at the corporation I work at that there are about 5 people who if they quit at once the company would be under within a few months. I really do not think it is wrong.

      • jcit878@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I work with financial analysts and accountants at work. we swing from “holy shit the sky is falling” to “wow we have more budget in this than we realised” in a few months, meanwhile the guys in the field do the exact same job and the relatively fixed revenue stream keeps coming in

      • AdminWorker@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        Ehh, so a counterargument is we now have “control audits” aka soc1 type2 audits that test whether management fix their stuff without external eyes. That hasGREATLY increased the fidelity of all public companies. Yeah mistakes happen, but the controls get pretty robust after only a few years.

    • Hazdaz@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Accounting, just like economics, likes to pretend it is a hard science when in reality is it close to reading tea leaves.

    • merc@sh.itjust.works
      10 months ago

      but no audit company would give a paying customer a failing grade

      And there are what, 4 major accounting firms now, so it’s not like a public company that cared about a good audit has much choice.