• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • I see two possible reasons for your situation. One is that the company is turning to contractors to fill in gaps in their knowledge/experience, which is why everyone else has no clue how to tackle these tasks and why they get assigned the easy ones.

    The other possibility is that the senior devs are gaming the metrics, letting the employees knock out easy tasks while the contractor is stuck with untangling the knots of the more intractable tasks.

  • You can generally rely on a header file doing its own check to prevent being included twice. If a header doesn’t do that, it’s either wrong or doing something fucky. It is merely a convention, but it’s so widespread that you really don’t need to worry about it.

    You are mixing up some terms, so I want to help clarify. When you #include a header file, you aren’t importing a library. You are telling the compiler to insert the contents of that header file into your source where the #include line is. A library is something different. It is an already-compiled binary file. A library should also come with a header file to tell you what functions and classes are present in the library, but that header isn’t itself the library.

    It may seem annoying to have to repeat yourself between headers and source, but it’s honestly something you get used to.

  • It’s Schroeder’s war. The classification changes depending on the political context.

    It is a war in contexts where not calling it a war would be politically harmful (like denying thousands of wounded Americans benefits). It is not a war in contexts where calling it a war would imply that the president vastly overstepped their constitutional bounds.

  • Not really, and no. This shouldn’t affect your already-running system. This change means that the iso will offer plasma by default and will run plasma in the live environment.

    And I wouldn’t say it’s particularly hard to switch from any desktop environment to another. It takes some relearning where stuff is, keyboard shortcuts, etc, but any desktop environment can run any Linux program, provided the necessary libraries are installed (which your package manager takes care of). You can install kde programs on your xfce desktop, and they will run fine (and vice versa). They’ll just pull in a bunch of kde libraries when you install.

  • There will be things to learn and unlearn, but modern Linux distros are fairly smooth sailing for basic tasks if your hardware supports Linux well. Laptop support is a little more spotty, where there may be issues with suspend, or the Wi-Fi needing 3rd party drivers, but desktops will probably work without much fuss (and there are plenty of laptops with no issues).

    Gaming has been made much easier thanks to wine and proton, particularly valve’s contributions. For steam games, many of them will just work out of the box or after ticking a checkbox. ProtonDB is invaluable for quickly seeing how well a game will run on Linux.

    But as you’ll see as you read some of the reports on ProtonDB, there will likely be a more troubleshooting than you’re used to on windows. As long as you know how to Google the name of your distro + the problem you’re seeing, you’ll usually find a solution.

    You don’t need to be a terminal master to use Linux nowadays. But most things are easier to explain with terminal commands than with step by step gui instructions, so many guides online will have you use the terminal to some degree.

    Honestly, the best advice I can give is just try it. If you have a spare drive (internal or usb), just go ahead and install Linux to it. If you want to be extra sure you won’t do anything to your existing windows install, remove the windows drive first (or disable it in bios). Then play around with things and see how it feels.

  • ourob@discuss.tchncs.deOPtoCast Iron@lemmy.world“Opa!”
    9 months ago

    That does not surprise me lol. Made my wife’s day, though! She loves saganaki, and we can’t get it at any restaurant within at least 2 hours of us.

    And yes, it was delicious. Tomorrow I’m going to have to make homemade pita to go with it. The pack I picked up at the store was very blah.

  • I’m having to use windows+office for work after a few years of being linux only, and god do I hate modern office’s interface.

    The ribbon, on its own, isn’t super offensive to me - its just a chonky toolbar. But why on earth did they have to get rid of the classic menus?! If I don’t know where a feature is, it’s so much easier to skim through text menus than flipping from ribbon to ribbon, hovering over each button for tooltips, and popping out secondary toolbars of icons to find what I want. It’s maddening for someone who only needs to use office intermittently.

  • Some software is absolutely more secure for being open source. There’s a reason why popular cryptographic libraries tend to be open, even those used in military applications.

    If the security of your software component relies on an attacker not having access to your source, then your component is only secure until someone reverse engineers it and figures out how it works, at which point it is entirely compromised on all systems it’s deployed to.

    So you need something else to provide security besides obscuring how the software works. In cryptography, that comes from a large, highly random encryption key. The reason that your online bank transactions are safe from an attacker snooping on your network is because, even having the full source code to the crypto libraries, it would take a computer longer than the age of the universe to guess the encryption key through brute force.

    The benefit of open source is that it gets a lot more eyes on the code to find flaws and vulnerabilities - and to verify that the software does what the vendor claims, which is very much not always a given.