Abandoned this profile due to lemmy.world’s federation with Threads. I have moved onto feddit.de as they are the only instance I could find defederated from Threads, hexbear, and lemmygrad.

I’m happy with my new home.

  • 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Look thru my comment history instead of being an idiot and jumping to conclusions about my beliefs and the complex conflict between Palestine and Isreal.

    I do not support Hamas or Isreal in their expansionism and ethnic cleansing. You are being blatantly hypocritical if you support the human rights violations and mass murder of Palestinians by Isreal, while simultaneously condemning the terrorist attack by Hamas which targeted Isreali citizens.

    Your use of emotional reasoning to justify the mass murder of Palestinians by Isreal is the same exact emotional reasoning being used by people trying to justify Hamas’ terrorist attack against Isreal.

    If you cannot see that, than it’s because you’re jumping thru hoops in your head to try to rationalize away the cognitive dissonance, or you’re just too stupid to comprehend logic and language.

  • I worked with this population for years. People can change and redeem themselves. I learned at that job that we all really live in the grey, and that anyone is capable of bad actions when pushed beyond their threshold for rationality or are out of their mind on drugs.

    I helped reintegrate someone who was guilty of a very heinous murder, and he arrived at the residential care facility in my catchment in shackles and a Hannibal Lector mask. Made all the other residents terrified of him…

    But he soon became the most liked resident by residents and staff alike, and he helped out the facility in many ways, including cleaning and maintenance.

    After 24 years in prison, he would say “I’m not going to screw up. I’m not going back.” He may have still been a little antisocial and manipulative, but he wasn’t a terror to behold.

    In fact, most of my favorite clients were from the DOC. Clients who came from incarceration tended to handle the ridged rules and routine at the care facilities a lot better than those who were not previously incarcerated. Contrary to what a lot of people would assume, my DOC folks tended to offer more respect to care staff and authority figures. They also tended to have good senses of humor and I would often have some fun with them.

    One of my favorite clients was a prolific bank robber in the 70s who was banned from his home state. He was one of the funniest people I ever met. Definitely the most contagious laugh that would bring you to tears. He had scars all over him; he was missing part of his ear and had scars on his eyelids from the same knife attack where the attacker tried to cut out his eyes; he still had buckshot in him; and he was stabbed in the chest by one ex wife, and stabbed in the back by another!

    He was such a character and I genuinely miss working with him. He could be an asshole, but so can we all. He had a sordid past but he was a great person who enhanced the lives of those around him (usually…). He died shortly into the covid lockdowns.

  • This situation reminds me of how they would only medically study male bodies and assumed everything would be applicable to women.

    There’s also a problem with facial recognition and darker skin pigment. I mean, why not throw a couple black people in the study groups!? Maybe then we wouldn’t have all these issues…

    The amount of melanin in one’s skin is irrelevant in any sort of sense other than very real medical applications. Another area is tatoo removal lasers which won’t harm white/lighter skin, but will damage people with darker skin pigment. It can cause both hyperpigmentaion and hypopigmentation as well as keloid scars in individuals with higher levels of melanin. (There are specialized tattoo removal lasers available for darker skin pigments.)

    I remember a mini-controversy of home tattoo removal lasers (sounds like a bad idea in general to me!) that offered no warning to potential users that they could damage their skin depending on how dark their skin pigment is.

    It just seems to me that there’s an implicit discrimination in the populations used for studies. You’d think it would be obvious to try to represent each of the six skin shades on the Fitzpatrick scale with multiple participants if you’re studying or developing technology related to our skin…

    Edit: Smart watches that use lasers for the health measures are flawed as well. Again, that makes me think that people of color were clearly underrepresented in the studies developing this tech.

  • If you’ve paid attention to the conflict in the region and you’re intelligent, yes, I would expect one to anticipate such a group could carry out such monterous acts.

    Atrocities like this happen all over the world all the time. There’s just differing levels of media coverage/social interest.

    This should sicken and disgust people to their core. But it really shouldn’t be surprising for a terrorist organization to commit evil acts.

    Before all the crazies jump to conclusions about me, I don’t support Isreal’s expansionism or ethnic cleansing or Hamas and their terror attacks.

  • I believe his criticism is the intentions he perceives to be behind your sharing the article, not the information itself.

    Given the article date and the putrid acts of evil that Hamas just committed, his suspicion behind your intentions isn’t unwarranted. Seems suspiciously like an attempt at whataboutism.

    And before anyone jumps to conclusions about my views, I empathize and support the civilians on both sides, and condemn the putrid acts of terror from Hamas as well as the expansionism and ethnic cleansing Isreal has committed.

  • It was more than annexation. russia committed terrorist attacks, including downing MH17. They had a lot of actual conflict in Donbas, Luhansk, and the Eastern portion of Ukraine. [1]

    And again, even if you want to unjustifiably exclude the russian conflict in Ukraine beginning in 2014, how is that different than what was happening in Syria?

    In Syria, russia was using chemical weapons to force civilians hiding in rubble out into the street, where they would execute them. [2]

    What you’re guilty of is declinism, whether you want to believe it or not.

    One could argue russia committed worse atrocities in Syria than they have been in Ukraine. But that coverage wasn’t as popular in the media.

    What you’re doing is making assumptions based on your subjective perspective, not a factual representation of the world. Your view is very common, but not representative of reality. [3]

    If any year ever feels like the worst, it’s mostly because our brains have a tendency to judge the present more harshly. Unfettered media consumption skews our perception, and it becomes easy to slide into unhealthy patterns of belief… the belief that civilization is on the decline is a tradition as old as civilization itself. Even Ancient Athenians complained in the fifth century B.C. that their democracy wasn’t what it used to be. These days, we call that belief “declinism,” or “decline bias.” [4]