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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I get the sentiment of this post and just being satisfied and content with that you have, but I also feel like this is just “ money can’t buy happiness” wrapped in a new Wrapper. I know the OP post of it most likely did not mean it as that, but itt to feels like the bourgeois would this to keep us “poors” for wanting a small percentage of what they have. I like the idea for sure just see how it could weaponized against the 99%.

  • I have no horse in this race, but I genuinely would like to know what all the drama is about? I’m new to this app and I’m not sure what the problem is when everybody can filter I think their own instances that they would like to see. I did not find anything racist or at least I haven’t seen anything or anything homophobic or calling for acts of violence, so I’m not sure why you guys are being defederated. Apologies. If this is something that has already been discussed. I’m just trying to keep myself informed.