• Rafael_Luisi
    2 years ago

    All of the damage being caused there right now is mostly fault of the Azov batallion, the ukraine leadership refusing to surrender, both the city and the war overall. And its an fact that the russian army is trying to cause as little damage as possible. And in comparisson to actual genocides and terror wars caused by the US, the russian army is actually respecting international laws of war.

    • commie_spectreOP
      2 years ago

      i don’t think it’s a valid defence to say that, just because another country did it worse, it’s not that bad that this country did it, yknow? And is there any source that fact that the russian army is trying to cause the least amount of damage?

      Not trying to argue comrade, just wanting a good discussion!

      • Rafael_Luisi
        2 years ago

        If we look at the way western countries do war, that is doing as much destruction, killing, warcrimes as possible, that fights for imperialism, pillaging, genocide and western hegemony. In comparison to the russian army who is mainly aiming at military infrastructure, is respecting the rights of civilians and POW’s, is trying their bedt to not disrupt the life of civilians, and is mainly fighting for an noble cause, that is the desnazification of Ukraine, the desmilitarization of their neo nazi war machine, and an direct fight against the expansion of NATO to the east. I think that DOES in fact make the russian more moral then the western armies.

        And its pretty obvious that the ukraine citys having not been reduced to rubbles is proff enough that russia is holding itself. They are mainly aiming for military infrastructure. And nazi scum like azov are using civilian infrastructure and kidnapped civilians as shield, so that means that the russian army IS trying to avoid harming civilian infrastructure and killing innocent civilians, otherwise the nazis would not be doing that.