Hello! This may be very off topic, so feel free to remove! I wanna find more queer friends or even partners… and i dont really know where to look lol

Meeting queer people irl is not really possible for me rn and what would prolly be the go-to places to look for peeps online - reddit and discord, are borderline spyware

I suppose by its nature, this post already kinda acts as an advert, so hi my very real name is CocaineShark and I’m a (learning) ML and a linux n’ art nerd, 19 they/she

  • toomanyjoints69
    1 year ago

    Go to grindr and block literally everyone that makes any sexual advances towards you. They dont deserve an explanation. Just block them. They will act like babies anyway.

    Talk to them via texts for a long long time and then you have an online friend you can meet irl if you ever want to.