So…. last week I got into a fight with one of my classmates over whether the Special Operation in Ukraine was justified or not. No surprises there…. But, I just found out from a mutual friend that the entire time I thought I was debating him, he was actually just forwarding my messages to his Western European girlfriend and then sending me back her responses.
That has to be a record new low.
Why would you even bother? Do you like feeling bad? Lol
Well it started when I heard he was spreading rumours around our class that I was a Putin-worshipper or something. And for some stupid reason I honestly felt like if I explained myself I might have a chance of educating him. Trust me, I won’t be trying that again, lol
— Morris Kominsky, 1970
(Admittedly this is a little off‐topic since the quote repeatedly mentions Communism, but with only a few minor adjustments it can easily be reapplied to your situation.)