So…. last week I got into a fight with one of my classmates over whether the Special Operation in Ukraine was justified or not. No surprises there…. But, I just found out from a mutual friend that the entire time I thought I was debating him, he was actually just forwarding my messages to his Western European girlfriend and then sending me back her responses.

That has to be a record new low.

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    3 years ago

    It is a foregone conclusion that the author will be attacked and condemned by bigots and Ultra‐Rightists for having allegedly written a book in defense of Communists. There is little one can do to change the mind of a bigot, because the bigot’s mind is closed to facts. Rational people will understand that it is a dangerous state of affairs when truth is concealed by intimidation and defamation, that the challenge of Communism must be met by truth, and that lies are not a proper instrument of dialogue on any subject. The author is not to blame for the fact that so much lying propaganda against the Communists has created a climate of opinion that paves the way for Fascism and a third world war.

    This study is concerned only with dispelling of fear, with opening the channels of communication, and with reversing the dangerous trend in the U.S.A. towards Fascism and a third world war. Critics should meet the challenge of the factual data presented and not muddy the waters with speculation about motives. It is to be hoped that many people will consider the search for truth a virtue to be cherished, not only as an end in itself, but as a guide to intelligent action in a dangerous world. With these thoughts in mind, we can examine the smokescreen of lies that obscures the real problems of this country.

    Morris Kominsky, 1970

    (Admittedly this is a little off‐topic since the quote repeatedly mentions Communism, but with only a few minor adjustments it can easily be reapplied to your situation.)