Reactionary opposition to the Lula’s government, managed to open a inquiry consisting mostly of congresspersons tied to the agribusiness, to criminalize agrarian reform social movements, with a focus on the MST (Landless Rural Workers Movement).

Without a clear material fact, the inquiry went on without debating anything serious and trying to tie the movements to communism, organized crime and other illegal operations, the few pro-government members bravely fought against the majority and even exposed the criminal background of some members, like the president of the inquiry been a head of a rural militia that killed Chico Mendes, a great activist in the 80’s, and the referendary, bolsonaro’s environment minister that had ties with huge illegal extractivism on amazon.

Believing in their own racist lies, that they called in the founder of the movement to depose, thinking he was just a brutish dumb from the county side that likes to steal land, but he is actually a formally educated man with a lot of books published and decades of militancy experience, he put up quite a show and demonstrated even more how a sham that was.

The original plan was for the inquiry be extended for more three months, but they couldn’t produce shit and instead boosted a little the movements popularity, it will not be extended and will finish without a final report.

I didn’t found a article in english about it, so i wrote a little about so comrades worldwide know a little of what in going on here.