Can’t believe Lenins2ndCat got banned in .world for this

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    1 year ago

    Well of course. Take all of the militant counterrevolutionaries like the Whites that the Bolsheviks killed, pretend that they were all (or at least almost all) saints who did nothing other than maybe very calmly and very politely express their disagreements with communism, now put them all in the same basket as the people who died primarily due to the economic conditions, which were largely due to the surrounding capitalist régimes and, to a less extent, Russia’s undevelopment. Finally, add the Tsarist family whose execution Lenin supposedly ordered. There you go, eight million or so casualties. Feel free to inflate the body count to absurdly high numbers like twenty million. (Although be careful not to go too high, like 410,757,864,530, then it’s just obvious that you’re making shit up.)