• @acabjones
    43 years ago

    Mindfulness is a goal of meditation, both during sessions and in ones daily life.

    Mindfulness provides consciousness with more complete, unprocessed information. E.g. while we generally experience the sound of a car cognitively as “engine, tires on pavement” it’s possible to tune into the sensory moments (i.e., the raw signals from the auditory part of the brain) and experience them more directly. Mindfulness also allows conscious experience to deal with emotions impartially, as if they too are feelings in the body, rather than dilemmas we frequently get hung up on. Mindfulness also has a meta aspect to it, in which one can be mindful of what’s going on in the mind (e.g. “I’m experiencing strong emotion; I’m having trouble focusing”)

    Like other meditation experiences, it can be hard to explain these things. In my experience there’s a big gulf between even a good explanation and direct experience. Hope this helps.