I don’t know what kind of engagement to expect, but I made a post encouraging Raddle users to come here. It appeared to be an exclusively leftist space and be an active forum.

Having styled this post as an AMA, I may be unprepared for some of their questions. I haven’t been on here very long, and may be fielding questions that are better directed to Lemmy devs or long-time users. I am happy to x-post questions and answers to their platform on your behalves

Shoutout to @Amorphous@lemmygrad.ml for giving me the idea in the chapo thread

  • @calmlamp
    4 years ago

    It’s run by post-left egoists and anti-civvers, both strains of which ideologies are anti-working-class (despite some egoists protestations to the contrary) and their special distinguishing feature is that they tolerate and encourage sectarian abuse. Hostility to anti-capitalist politics is a defining feature of Raddle.