• letranger (he/him)
    1 year ago

    from https://archive.is/wip/y5BEo was thinking about this photo but it’s basically in reverse

    i know it’s got it’s fallacy being “anecdotal evidence”, but I can’t help but think that the west’s modus operandi holds supreme above all, and if it were easier to classify “the other” that may hold threat against the state’s existence by colour of skin - they would, or atleast be passive in allowing for the reactionaries to do reactive shit.

    anything to divide the people so that they would not develop class consciousness

    • Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
      1 year ago

      Yeah a flavour of the month type of rotation…

      • “bad cancer curing gommie Asians”
      • “scary gommie Russians”
      • “terrorists who we totally didn’t fund”
      • “bad immigrants crossing the border and taking our jobs”
      • letranger (he/him)
        1 year ago

        the totality of it all is always… disheartening to be reminded of.

        While I have no doubt that those that oppose that west can also have their own incarnations of prejudice/ social sectarianism on the basis of ethnic linage. I try to think of what the modus operandi of these states are and how that would begin to influence their people, or if these nations even have the potential to begin to address these issues.

        The west, being an inherent capitalist state at the foundation, i think (of course my bias as baby ml) will never have the potential to fully solve the ethnic social sectarianism, as the populace is not formed with ideas of solidarity of the people, but seems to be inherently opposed to such ideas - since such solidarity of the people would pose a direct threat to the capitalist class. (Brothers and sisters in hunger are calling, Shall we be silent to their sorrow and woe?)

        because of this, the capitalist will cant or pay lip service to such ideas of solidarity of the people, but never meaningfully do anything substantial to develop this in the material world/ideology.

        edit: i think that the best that the west can do with the ethnic social sectarianism would be apathy/indifference with a strong spearhead of escapism (so much elephants and circuses that people just don’t bother to care) but i can’t imagine the bourgeoise would be willing to part with the capital to make such a form of escapism without a direct threat to them + would our humanity be willing accept that level of escapism without completely destroying themselves?