It could be classed a victory for us because of things like the EU being imperialistic.

However, I dislike how it was caused by xenophobia so it’s hard for me to support Brexit. It also harmed the working class in the UK, for example my friend’s dad lost his job as the company decided to leave the UK.

  • Muad'DibberMA
    4 years ago

    I personally think balkanization of the imperial core is a good thing, no matter what the route is. Of course the EU is an imperialist organization whose stronger members dominate the economies of weaker ones, even inside the EU, and people in the UK are seeing that fact quicker than some other EU members.

    You occasionally get rumblings that the rest of the EU is on pretty shaky grounds, after new countries realize that membership is more of a detriment than a boon. Let it break into a million pieces and disempower one of the imperial core’s main managing bodies.

    There was a lot of talk about how one of the main reasons for Corbyn’s loss, was that he ultimately sided with the neoliberal blairites and refused to push for a Lexit, bc the neolibs want to continue their alliance the mainland capital. They sell this to the masses as “european unity / internationalism”, which the people soundly rejected (for both good and bad reasons). Its the left-wing of labor’s fault for not pushing harder for Lexit, on the basis of self-determination and anti-domination via EU capitalists, whilst rejecting the xenophobic basis for a lot of it.

    Overall I think that despite a lot of the xenophobia around it, there’s also an element of self-determination that’s important; people are really pissed off at british finance capital, and its alliance with european finance capital, but the population is so heavily propagandized by the UK media that it only outlet is through xenophobia and chauvinism.

    We’re basically seeing latestagecapitalist UK eat itself through incompetent leadership, a completely decapitalized service / financial services economy, extreme inequality, rapidly worsening standards of living, the loss of empire, and a heavily propagandized, chauvinist press.

    It also harmed the working class in the UK, for example my friend’s dad lost his job as the company decided to leave the UK.

    This is what has happened to any country, or city that refuses to play ball with deregulation, refusing to cut social services, refusing to dismantle unions, etc. The export of work is then meted out as a “punishment”, in this case for the UK’s population massive support for brexit. Don’t let capitalists create this victim-blaming narrative, that its the worker’s fault for rejecting domination. Corbyn’s correct response would’ve been to nationalize it and prevent the export of capital, had he not been so smeared for his support for Palestine.