Wherever you are, revolution will not come only from reading theory, sharing memes or consuming communist media. It’ll be brought about by active party work.

So if you have the time and energy, consider joining whichever local communist organisation you have access to in your area, or even non-communist leftist organisations. Organise your individual anger into class anger.

Comrade workers! Let us then prepare with redoubled energy for the decisive battle that is at hand! Let the ranks of the [Revolutionary] Social-Democrat proletarians close ever firmer! Let their word spread ever farther afield! Let campaigning for the workers’ demands be carried on ever more boldly! Let the celebration of May Day win thousands of new fight ers to our cause and swell our forces in the great struggle for the freedom of all the people, for the liberation of all who toil from the yoke of capital!

Long live the eight-hour day!

Long live international revolutionary Social-Democracy!

Down with the criminal and plundering tsarist autocracy!

May Day, Lenin 1904

  • Red_Scare [he/him]
    1 month ago

    There are no parties of the revolutionary proletariat in the Global North. There might be a very few exceptions, e.g. I’ve heard good things about the Greek and the Belgian communist parties, but by and large, Western communist parties function as reading circles / hobbyist communities rather than actual vehicles for political realisation of the proletariat.

    Especially in the UK, there simply isn’t a party to join. Labour under Corbyn was far better than any of the myriad UK “communist” splinters. Granted, at least they had the decency to almost unanimously direct their members to support Corbyn, but that also tells you something about how useful they are.

    • albiguOP
      1 month ago

      Wouldn’t it still make sense to join those in order to drive them towards revolution rather than nothing?

      For instance, the KKE in Greece and PTB in Belgium were hardly as impactful 20 years ago as they are today. Nevertheless, neither can be said to be a perfect party, the anti-LGBT line of the KKE comes to mind, and PTB isn’t even explicitly revolutionary (though as I understand it they have a Marxist-Leninist internal faction).

      They are both affiliated with the ICMWP (KKE basically made that conference happen), so if I were to offer a blind guess of where to start it in the UK, it would be in the CPB. Just quickly browsing their homepage indicates that at least they tend to agree on theory for most of the consensus points in this forum, so I’d suggest starting the search from them.

      And forgive the bluntness, but for an active communist to boycott the existing communist movement solely for it being too passive is self-defeatimg idealism at best and arrogant anarchism at worst. Remember that not only did the Bolshevik faction emerge from within the mess that was the RSDLP, the myriad revisionist factions that comprised the Mensheviks were actually the majority! Correct communist parties can also only be created from struggle.

      • Red_Scare [he/him]
        1 month ago

        Social-Democrats were an actual mass movement party in Russia, CPB is a farce, vast majority of people in the UK isn’t even aware they exist (not to mention they are linked to WPUK). There is no “existing communist movement” in the UK and the population has no interest in the revolution, and the more they get squeezed by contradictions of capitalism the more fascist they get because they got used to living large at the expense of the rest of the world.

        I’ll probably join https://we-are-collective.org/ once they launch the party, hopefully they’ll be able to provide a viable alternative to Reform UK which is becoming the largest political party in the UK with both Tories and Labour shedding members at record speed.