Love seeing spez get downvoted to hell for defending slaveowners.

  • @corvibaeisatankie
    84 years ago

    Dead on I think, comrade. A lot of these “centrists” would have done what they’re doing now about Trump “Oh, I don’t support everything he’s said but I do support what he’s done for the country” if they had been Germans in the late 30s. I’ve noticed that a lot of my more liberal friends and coworkers have taken to immediately shutting down even the concept of social-democratic alternatives to the absolute shithole that is America right now. Case in point:

    I don’t really “use” Facebook as it is intended to be used, but occasionally I will comment on a status update if someone relatively politically inexperienced asks a question and I feel that I can answer. A former teacher of mine made a long, eloquent post about how she feels uncomfortable voting for Joe Biden because he’s a creep and included a request for alternatives. I’m not a big fan of voting, generally, however, I suggested that she look into Howie Hawkins. I felt that if I had mentioned someone without ballot access in my area of America she would have totally ignored me. My former teacher was really interested in Hawkins. Another former teacher responded, stating that if we were planning on voting for Hawkins over Biden “we may as well just vote for Trump”. The two of them got into a pretty lengthy argument. The second former teacher? A former congressional staffer for an ex-congressman who now runs a healthcare business and a bigwig in the county Democratic party. The first teacher talked about how Democrats are just as interested in union busting as Republicans, they just smile and stab you in the back, and a whole host of other valid points. The second just kept babbling about Obama, Clinton, and “spoiler” candidates.

    The first teacher, my former debate coach, is from an impoverished working class background. The second is from a more affluent suburb and of a bourgeois background. Eventually, my former debate coach was blocked by the second teacher. My hope is that I might turn my formerly rather conservative former debate coach into a comrade in time, but Jesus Christ. Liberals drive me nuts.

    • @ComradeT
      34 years ago

      listening to two libs argue about Joe Biden is enough to make me want to pull my hair out

      Fucking rubes