Ok, so I’m gonna get some downvotes from this, but I think of the Anarchists as allies, not as enemies. The longer Marxists and Anarchists bicker about which type of socialism is best, the stronger the bourgeoisie gets. If we want to overthrow the bourgeoisie, Marxists and Anarchists need to band together, not bicker. The true enemy is not the Anarchist. The true enemy is the capitalist.

    • @SloppilyFloss@lemmy.ml
      63 years ago

      For a second I thought Viki was some random, niche Marxist, but apparently they’re just a Youtuber? What are they basing their thoughts off of? Some particular Marxist scholars, or?

      • The Free PenguinOP
        3 years ago

        I don’t really know, I just know they describe themselves as a Marxist, and I agree with them on a lot of stuff.