Hello, and welcome everyone to this week’s weekly discussion thread, a time-honored tradition of our group!

Since Comrade Pup Ivy is currently on a fun vacation with the tea club, and definitely not locked in a basement until he denounces Dr. Pepper, this week’s thread is brought to you by your favorite matrix server overlord friendly server admin :3

I hope you enjoy!

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  • rainpizza
    3 months ago

    I have been finishing to read the book AntiDrug Capitalism(is from an author that could be considered trotskyist) and this part made me hate the US more.

    The translation of the highlighted part is the following:

    In 2011, Pemex filed a lawsuit in Houston against ten US oil and pipeline companies for collaborating with organized crime by buying stolen natural gas from Mexico’s Burgos Basin.

    “The cartels built tunnels and their own pipelines to facilitate the theft … All defendants have participated in and profited - knowingly or unknowingly - from the trafficking of illegal condensate into the United States and thereby encouraged and financed the Mexican organized crime groups that stole the condensate,” the complaint states.

    All of these entities have been militarized as part of the drug war, and some of them have high levels of displacement due to war-related violence.

    • Water Bowl Slime
      3 months ago

      Y aún así, los yanquis se creen los protectores de democracia y soberanía mundial.

      • rainpizza
        3 months ago

        La propaganda gringa funciona tristemente. Es muy buena engañando a la gente con slogans que ni los mismísimos yanquis creen.
