This account has other very informative and interesting threads on various subjects, i recommend browsing through and reading a few of them.

  • cfgaussianOP
    1 year ago

    Of course they’re being dishonest here, they in fact don’t believe that killing Che was the only good thing that Barbie did, because their implicit statement is that Nazis are good when they kill communists, which the Butcher did plenty in Europe too. They usually don’t dare to say it openly, but they are no less giddy and glad about all those other murders than they are Che’s.

    Liberals’ stance toward Nazism is that they view it as distasteful to openly associate with but useful as it does their dirty work of murdering communists. They will ally with Nazis, recruit Nazis, enable, help and defend Nazis when they are fighting their common enemies which is communists and anti-imperialists of all stripes. And they are always just itching for any opportunity to be allowed to celebrate Nazis committing mass murder and atrocities so long as it is against a sufficiently demonized group, they cannot wait for it to be socially acceptable again, and to a certain extent that is already the case nowadays when it comes to Nazis killing Russians.

    And soon, when the imperialists kick off the open conflict with China in earnest - something which they are all writing about as essentially inevitable at this point - it will become even more acceptable to celebrate the most heinous and inhumane shit imaginable being done to Chinese people. They will be calling for genocide and will feel absolutely morally righteous doing so. And the more that they lose and get humiliated by China - which they will - the more enraged and bloodthirsty they will become.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind
      1 year ago

      Agree. I just hope they will retain last shreds of humanity (or at least their ruling class will go for damage control instead of va banque) and don’t nuke all of us.