• DankZedong A
    1 month ago

    Just had my first party meeting in like three months. The party was working on processing the election results and I was busy with being sick for a month and my holiday basically, so not much happened.

    It was good to see my comrades again and we made some interesting plans for the coming months leading up to the local municipal elections. We also had some interesting talks about what would happen if we were able to get into a position of actual power.

    Personally I am a bit scared of when that will happen as in our current system it would mean governing with socdems, greens and possibly Christian Democrats and I wonder how you can do that while also growing an actual marxist movement. But at the same time you can’t disappoint your voters by not taking any responsibility.

    But time will tell and we shall see what our options are in about two months. First we have our annual festival in a month which should be a nice break. I’m looking forward to spending time with comrades from all over the world.