• 小莱卡
    25 days ago

    lol i laughed my ass off when lib mentioned that 5ha is a small plot of land.

    Also the entire narrative doesn’t make sense. He mentions that eastern europe is not densely populated, that Stalin deported 15 million people, the kulaks worked the land themselves, etc… With that huge amount of manpower exiled in a low populated are one would assume that it simply would’ve collapsed, yet literally just 10 years later they fight back the Nazis and win the war. It’s like an alternate reality.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      2325 days ago

      Expecting logic from anticommunists is like is like trying to light a fire with wet wood. These people are always equal parts incoherent and historically illiterate.

    • @REEEEvolution
      25 days ago

      Love how their thinking ends at “deported”, propably thinking they all to sent to northern Siberia, instead of asking “from where to where?”. Because most were “deported” from their mansions into the farming community at worst a few villages over.

    • @frippa@lemmy.ml
      25 days ago

      lib mentioned that 5ha is a small plot of land.

      I feel like most people in the world couldn’t even walk 50 kilometers in a day, me included. You need other people in order to work such a field, It’s not a garden.

      Did the lib even know what a hectare is? 50 square kilometers is like 100 Vaticans IIRC (to use American-style measurements)

      It’s like an alternate reality.

      Libs like to live in their fantasy world where their system isn’t rotting and failing and all is going to be fine if they just voot for the 99.999-% Hitler + Leopold II + Mussolini + Nicholas II candidate, no wonder they love talking about Harry potter so much.

      • 小莱卡
        25 days ago

        Its not equivalent to walking 50 kilometers since its an area measurement and farming doesn’t require to cover every single meter but yea it did require walking many kilometers and not just that but doing manual work too (sowing, taking weeds out, cutting the grain, moving the grain, etc…) nowadays its all done with machinery so 5ha is done in a breeze, but back then it was a gargantuan amount of work.

        Also you have your math wrong:

        50,000square meters =/= 50 square kilometers

        1 square meter = 1x10^-6 square kilometers

        The vatican area is 50ha, 5ha would be 1/10 of the vatican. Still a huge area to farm by hand and horse.

        • @frippa@lemmy.ml
          123 days ago

          Ouch now I look like an amerikkkan😦

          That’s what I get for using non-standard metric measurements